Color me stunned, Cruz throwing down the truth, even if it doesn't amount to a hill of beans
Zuck won't poop for five days after this
Color me stunned, Cruz throwing down the truth, even if it doesn't amount to a hill of beans
Zuck won't poop for five days after this
"Silicon Valley is an extremely left-leaning place"
Way to state the obvious
HO HOOO Cruz called out PP and!
Zuck is just dumb as shit, that's the biggest takeaway from this
"have a member of the team follow up on this later"
"I don't know"
"I'm not aware of that"
Cruz is kicking his ASS. This is glorious. He's gonna run for the can to throw his guts up after this.
High school boyfriend I dumped because he was so stupid he couldn't have written a coherent paragraph to save his life, kept popping up to tell me I was too opinionated!
Has a wife, daughter, and two granddaughters. I hope they talk him into a coma.