Squirming conspirators in corruption.
I really don't care what their demographics are.
https:// youtu.be/jj3F7XGF7mA
"Move fast and break things."
What kind of motto is that???
https:// youtu.be/jj3F7XGF7mA
If the data stays within Facebook, that's one thing. But if other entities are able to collect it, that's something altogether different.
Might even be literal fireworks, so be careful.
https:// youtu.be/jj3F7XGF7mA
Senator gets to the real meat.
Nice one!
Somebody over there isn't.
He was definitely asking the right questions.
https:// youtu.be/jj3F7XGF7mA
Oh, they cut the sound!
Just the senator's question.
Hard to say. Someone said it was a different Cohen.
Good for them. Drone warfare is insidious.
Can't we just let Russia take care of it? It's clear there was some f'ing up over there.