got another one.¬if_t=live_video
got another one.¬if_t=live_video
about 14 streams for the riots in Portland…just some cops arresting a bunch of them..
I don't know what she is saying…about called NOG or NOZ when someone gets arrested…¬if_t=live_video
All these kids looks like deer in the headlights when they get arrested…scared shitless.
That is a shitload of Protesters still there at Portland.
Fuck this…so much is going on…you have to find one and watch it…cops chasing kids down…tear gas / pepper spray everywhere…you guys are on your own…unless I see someone get shot or something major like that.
someone is pumping them up…chanting "are we ready" and off they go..
The kids thinks it's all a game…he says…i got gassed 3 times already(laughs), I go up there, get gassed, come back, clean up, go back get gassed again…..
.I'm guessing just rinse and repeat for these kids, got nothing else to do.
That's what we need is a WOW chat platform,
Where you can chat with individuals, as a group, as global, as a guild, in a certain area…..would be great for this shit.
forgot a few …as a team player, as a faction, there are probably more but not relevant to this board.
is that how reddit is set-up…I've never used it…had no clue…still would be nice to have some of the extra sub-chat options….I have no clue how posts numbering would work..but still a good idea.
we would have to get rid of the baker…
We wouldn't be limited to 751 breads…it would just be a never ending chat board…so we wouldn't need a baker every 751 posts.