I'm serious. If all that stuff from the prophecy is happening, then it would be wise to consider what "forcing God's hand" means. You're not supposed to even try that. The last time we screwed around with stuff like this we summoned a chaos demon and, I'm not gonna lie, that makes me a little freaked the fuck out for my soul sometimes.
WHAT the actual FUCK is about to happen?
>It's going to be Biblical
>Churches burning, group singing and praying banned
>lightning striking the Washington monument
>battle for the fate of America happening right before our eyes
>/pol/ prophecy unironically coming true, belly of dragon drips water, brexit, etc.
>everyone forced to wear a mask, billions placed under house arrest all at once, social distancing, absolute global lunacy and tyranny
>Bill Gates straight-up saying he's gonna inject all of us with biologically active material
>riots, cities burning, mass looting and crime and violence, small-scale battles in the streets from coast to coast
>Navy UFO disclosure
I know we're watching a movie. And I know I'll hold true to my oath even if shit gets dark or scary. But seriously, what the fuck is coming? This is honestly making me sweat.
Like seriously, is GOD coming? Because holy shit I need to pray if that's happening.