baker in the kitchen
GHOST cancelled
>>9862538 (PB) Ray Chandler's grandpa came up with and paid for Hollywood Sign, also owned LATimes
>>9862541 (PB) Major Flooding going on in China (Twatter)
baker change
>>9862597 US Army twat re #Sniper Course
>>9862604 Ptld Insurrectionists breaking into Pioneer Place (police scanner, needs confirmation)
>>9862627 US Marines: I'm Allllllways Watching
>>9862651 Pol reporting it happened at a car show. 11+ shot (needs more confirmation)
>>9862654 Why black voters keep picking dems (from Feb 2020)
>>9862660, >>9862693 Maxwell connections (HRC and GM, Dayssi OlarteKanavos & GM)
halfway thru the bread anons, will pick up moar - please NOM
Ron is not Jim, either.
#12622 @400
>>9862538 (PB) Ray Chandler's grandpa came up with and paid for Hollywood Sign, also owned LATimes
>>9862541 (PB) Major Flooding going on in China (Twatter)
baker change
>>9862597 US Army twat re #Sniper Course
>>9862627 US Marines: I'm Allllllways Watching
>>9862654 Why black voters keep picking dems (from Feb 2020)
>>9862660, >>9862693, >>9862743, >>9862889 Maxwell connections (HRC and GM, then Dayssi OlarteKanavos & GM)
>>9862805 Obama on Biden - slightly revised [for KEKS]
>>9862843 At least four dead and 18 injured in shootings over Chicago's holiday weekend so far
>>9862915 One of 2 protesters hit by car on closed I-5 in Seattle dies
Got sauce yet anons?
>>9862604 Ptld Insurrectionists breaking into Pioneer Place (police scanner, needs confirmation)
>>9862651 Pol reporting it happened at a car show. 11+ shot (needs more confirmation)
yep tx - corrected.
Mine too anon. Condolences.
tx, anon.
Will leave it out unless there's more.
If it's real, we'll hear sooner or later.
and 8bit is 8kun owner, right?
Why Some Young People Fear Social Isolation More Than COVID-19
July 4, 20207:00 AM ET
Yuki Noguchi
Recent protests in Philadelphia and across the country have drawn young people. But for most of the pandemic, youth have been quarantined and away from their social circles, which could make depression and other mental illness worse.
Cory Clark/NurPhoto via Getty Images
Audrey just turned 18 and relishes crossing into adulthood: She voted for the first time this year, graduated high school and is college-bound next month. The honors student typically wakes up "a bundle of nerves," she says, which had fueled her work volunteering, playing varsity sports and leading student government.
But for years, she also struggled with anxiety, depression and obsessive compulsive disorder — all of which drove her to work harder.
"I was spending so much time on my homework, I felt like I was losing my friends — so my thoughts would race over and over again about my friends," says Audrey. "And then I would have the difficult thoughts about suicide and some scarier stuff." (NPR agreed to use only her first name to protect her medical privacy.)
Audrey's psychological struggles landed her in mental health treatment last fall. There, she says, the coping skills she learned gave her perspective on quarantine: "I know all about how seeing friends and seeing people outside — and social interaction — is vital for survival."
= = = = =
Legit concern. See Amazing Polly vid comparing lockdown to a form of psych torture. attached.
Is it torture?
Amazing Polly vid, 43 mins
Unsettling analysis comparing current lockdown, mask and other policies implemented by govs and mayors to psychological torture.
Detailed analysis using the iconic Biderman's Chart of Coercion on how POWs are broken psychologically wo/any physical torture.
Biderman's Chart of Coercion sauce:
#12622 @580
>>9862538 (PB) Ray Chandler's grandpa came up with and paid for Hollywood Sign, also owned LATimes
>>9862541 pb, >>9863112 Major Flooding going on in China, including Wuhan
baker change
>>9862597 US Army twat re #Sniper Course
>>9862627 US Marines: I'm Allllllways Watching
>>9862654 Why black voters keep picking dems (from Feb 2020)
>>9862660, >>9862693, >>9862743, >>9862889, >>9862973 Maxwell connections (HRC / Dayssi OlarteKanavos / Nathan Bernstein)
>>9862806 Obama on Biden - slightly revised [for KEKS]
>>9862843 At least four dead and 18 injured in shootings over Chicago's holiday weekend so far
>>9862915 One of 2 protesters hit by car on closed I-5 in Seattle dies
>>9863017, >>9863022, >>9863126 COVID-19 “Fake” pandemic: timeline & analysis (Sept 2019 - Apr 2020, first pub. Apr 8)
>>9863058 Why Some Young People Fear Social Isolation More Than COVID-19
>>9863081 Is This Torture? vid w/notes (compares CV-19 policies to psychological torture)
>>9863069 Global Capitalism, World Government and the Corona Crisis (May 2020)
>>9863101 Driver who hit females in I-5 protest in Seattle doxxed - and he's black
>>9863110, >>9863118 July 4: Protesters just took down the Christopher Columbus statue in Baltimore’s Little Italy
>>9863122 European pathologist: "No one has died from the coronavirus" ("WHO = criminal medical org")
>>9863135 Huge COVID Case-counting Deception at the CDC
Last chance for sauce:
>>9862604 Ptld Insurrectionists breaking into Pioneer Place (police scanner, needs confirmation)
>>9862651 Pol reporting it happened at a car show. 11+ shot (needs more confirmation)
Baker seeks handoff NB
if no takers will ghost
>Yes, also the point of Sharpton flys in a private jet. Who pays for that?
start here:
Al Sharpton's Charity Hikes His Pay 71%, But Tax Liens, Clinton Imprint Remain
Al Sharpton was in the news again, this time over giving himself a 71% raise. Rev. Sharpton is the president of National Action Network–NAN for short. It is a civil rights organization with chapters and affiliates across America. NAN collected a tidy $6.9 million in 2014, up $2 million from the prior year. The New York Post says much of the cash is a by-product of Rev. Sharpton's association with President Obama and New York Mayor de Blasio.
In the charitable world, big names count. Just ask the Clintons, whose own Clinton Foundation has just amended 4 years of taxes to fix multi-million dollar errors. Rev. Sharpton's NAN is tiny by comparison. Still, the nice uptick in donations evidently left a cushion to increase Rev. Sharpton’s pay from $241,545 to $412,644, including a bonus of $64,400. The Post notes the records, and the fact that NAN benefited when President Obama addressed NAN’s annual convention, even bringing five of his Cabinet members.
Reverend Al Sharpton speaks at the National Action Network (NAN) national convention on April 8,… [+] 2015 in New York City. Sharpton founded NAN in 1991; the convention hosted various politicians, organizers and religious leaders to talk about the nation's most pressing issues. (Photo credit: Andrew Burton/Getty Images)
Reverend Al Sharpton speaks at the National Action Network (NAN) national convention on April 8,… [+]
NAN had a big fund-raiser after Mayor de Blasio took office. Then, Mr. Sharpton collected a reported $1 million at his 60th-birthday bash. Yet despite all the considerable successes, NAN and Rev. Sharpton seem to have continuing cash flow issues. According to the Post, NAN owed the IRS $780,145 in unpaid payroll taxes. It’s been a repeat problem.
Most Popular In: Taxes
Second Stimulus Checks Could Be Sent As Early As August
Serious Warning Issued For Millions Of Google Gmail Users
Here’s When We’ll Know Whether CARES Act Provisions—Including A Stimulus Check—Will Be Renewed
Rev. Sharpton also has for-profit businesses, Revals Communications and Raw Talent. Some of his financial woes appear to stem from poor divisions between business and personal, a common tax problem among entrepreneurs. In the past, Rev. Sharpton has acknowledged that he is not the best administrator. The New York Times once suggested that Rev. Sharpton's organizations pay for virtually everything. That may even extend to his clothing and his daughters’ private school tuition.
If that is true, Rev. Sharpton is blurring one of the most important lines in the tax law. Many tax disputes come down to the fundamental divide between business and personal. Despite his more recent success, Rev. Sharpton is said to still have outstanding tax liens of $3.4 million. This is made up of his personal taxes to the IRS and New York, plus taxes owed by his companies. Rev. Sharpton says he owes less and is paying it off.
#12622 @580
>>9862538 (PB) Ray Chandler's grandpa came up with and paid for Hollywood Sign, also owned LATimes
>>9862541 pb, >>9863112 Major Flooding going on in China, including Wuhan
baker change
>>9862597 US Army twat re #Sniper Course
>>9862627 US Marines: I'm Allllllways Watching
>>9862654 Why black voters keep picking dems (from Feb 2020)
>>9862660, >>9862693, >>9862743, >>9862889, >>9862973 Maxwell connections (HRC / Dayssi OlarteKanavos / Nathan Bernstein)
>>9862806 Obama on Biden - slightly revised [for KEKS]
>>9862843 At least four dead and 18 injured in shootings over Chicago's holiday weekend so far
>>9862915 One of 2 protesters hit by car on closed I-5 in Seattle dies
>>9863017, >>9863022, >>9863126 COVID-19 “Fake” pandemic: timeline & analysis (Sept 2019 - Apr 2020, first pub. Apr 8)
>>9863058 Why Some Young People Fear Social Isolation More Than COVID-19
>>9863081 Is This Torture? vid w/notes (compares CV-19 policies to psychological torture)
>>9863069 Global Capitalism, World Government and the Corona Crisis (May 2020)
>>9863101 Driver who hit females in I-5 protest in Seattle doxxed - and he's black
>>9863110, >>9863118 July 4: Protesters just took down the Christopher Columbus statue in Baltimore’s Little Italy
>>9863122 European pathologist: "No one has died from the coronavirus" ("WHO = criminal medical org")
>>9863135 Huge COVID Case-counting Deception at the CDC
>>9863102, >>9863152, >>9863168 Q drops on Sharpton, who pays for his jet? DIGG CALL
>>9863180 China 'found coronavirus strain seven years ago' after mine workers fell ill and died
>>9862538 (PB) Ray Chandler's grandpa came up with and paid for Hollywood Sign, also owned LATimes
>>9862541 pb, >>9863112 Major Flooding going on in China, including Wuhan
baker change
>>9862597 US Army twat re #Sniper Course
>>9862627 US Marines: I'm Allllllways Watching
>>9862654 Why black voters keep picking dems (from Feb 2020)
>>9862660, >>9862693, >>9862743, >>9862889, >>9862973 Maxwell connections (HRC / Dayssi OlarteKanavos / Nathan Bernstein)
>>9862806 Obama on Biden - slightly revised [for KEKS]
>>9862843 At least four dead and 18 injured in shootings over Chicago's holiday weekend so far
>>9862915 One of 2 protesters hit by car on closed I-5 in Seattle dies
>>9863017, >>9863022, >>9863126 COVID-19 “Fake” pandemic: timeline & analysis (Sept 2019 - Apr 2020, first pub. Apr 8)
>>9863058 Why Some Young People Fear Social Isolation More Than COVID-19
>>9863081 Is This Torture? vid w/notes (compares CV-19 policies to psychological torture)
>>9863069 Global Capitalism, World Government and the Corona Crisis (May 2020)
>>9863101 Driver who hit females in I-5 protest in Seattle doxxed - and he's black
>>9863110, >>9863118 July 4: Protesters just took down the Christopher Columbus statue in Baltimore’s Little Italy
>>9863122, >>9863204 European pathologist: "No one has died from the coronavirus" (WHO is a criminal medical org)
>>9863135 Huge COVID Case-counting Deception at the CDC
>>9863102, >>9863152, >>9863168 Q drops on Sharpton, who pays for his jet? DIGG CALL
>>9863180 China 'found coronavirus strain seven years ago' after mine workers fell ill and died
>>9863213 Maxwell’s luxury hideout bought by mysterious company linked to alleged lover Scott Borgerson
Tired baker here, please filler up
THEN take the
s p o o k y p a t h to fresh
always love the way bred speeds up between 650 and 700 and then slows to a turtle's crawl….
Many tanks anons
You make this place absolutely ROCK
(espec during graveyard - which it still is for some of us)
G'nite now
–baker out