Anons remember this Q drop? Seems kinda relevant now.
Anon posted this morning about Pompeo and his "live ops" (hope I got that right) remark. Got me thinking about the President's cabinet and who all of them are. Found something of interest I think. The cabinet has its own twitter account. Interesting to see what got tweeted and retweeted regarding July 4th.
Pompeo's apparent "gaffe"(?) suggests the PSY OP technique used by black hats has been co-opted for white hat purposes. Which parts of the country are suffering most, right now? What is getting revealed by this? Where are people moving?
Just my .02 for what its worth. I think "their" techniques are being used against them at the moment. The mask mandates are totally turning me off to China, btw, as an example. If "Hecho en China" viruses are the source of life-altering virus threats and result in mask mandates and other absurdities, why the "heck" do I want Chinese involvement in my country AT ALL? No students or travelers (they could be carrying viruses), no merchandise (it could be contaminated deliberately substandard, or loaded with spyware) etc. I am starting to think "patriots are in control" was no joke.