Anonymous ID: 4b7949 July 5, 2020, 9:05 a.m. No.9864735   🗄️.is 🔗kun



We are under the influence of added electromagnetic fields, altering our ability to think and communicate mentally as humans normally do.


I believe that the electromagnetic fields from electrical equipment have always been an issue, but that with time, these fields have been specifically engineered to alter our ability to think.


You wouldn't notice it because it is so normal to think as humans do normally, but gradually it has seriously been messed with.


I don't believe that people will be in hospitals if you tell people the truth about this, but that what is in the works will most likely have that effect.


I do not doubt that this is related to the Huawei communication equipment. China has been used by [them] as a base for nefarious anti-humanity ideas such as pandemics, because it has intentionally been constructed this way, NK served the same purpose. They steal tech from US and have their people construct things against their 'enemy'.


Either way, if you smoke DMT, you see the field in front of you, with a little practice you can make it out perfectly. People who are myopic are seeing the added noise, it looks like droplets in a 3D grid.


I illustrated it in a voat thread.