that is a great idea how would you organize though or even get the idea out there like a flash mob of protesters with out masks going into walmart and just shopping, not a bad idea. I am on disability and try not to go out much anyways but we are at a 100$ fine for not complying with the dictators.
i see fat old grandmas walking their groceries in a cart home because of the fucking cunt governor saying masks must be worn in public the level of fear is insane. Then on top of that the lock down for 14 days and does not matter i really want to know how they plan on enforcing this shit, without fear of reprisal.
what state was it that was charging people like 2000$ if they did not comply with these fuckers. Agree the contract tracing is bad and must be stopped and refused and even fought back against if needed.
amen, part of me just wants to go cause trouble just to get a lawyer like that and then sue the shit out of these fuckers. Same thing goes for twitter and facebook and all these companies the level of class action winnable lawsuits could change the financial landscape of nations forever bankrupting many of these corrupt companies allowing patriots to almost take them over like pirates and try to keep the foundations of society somewhat running but with a clearer moral code towards uplifting humanity instead of having people be demons all day.
capaldis zygon speech is some of the best writing in television, and the matt smith leaf speech for clara, onions. every time onions.