I thought I'd drop this here, in case research could benefit from it.
I was going through some old boxes and found this. I'll show you next post what 'this' is.
There were a few things in those boxes that stood out to me that seem perhaps valuable around here.
Random stuff like an elaborate Masonic Bible and hand-written stuff by Job's Daughters people. All the stuff is pretty old.
I'm receiving stuff slowly as certain people get older, and I never really looked at it before with the brain I have now (if that makes sense)
'This' is the pamphlet given to attendees of the funeral for former CIA Director Allen Welsh Dulles.
(first pic shows who he is)
I think he was the 4th CIA Director ever. (During the start of the Cold War)
He was the first civilian CIA Director ever.
(second and third pics show CIA formation and a little bit about the third Director)
(fourth pic is his CIA badge.That's from the Wiki.)
(fifth pic is from his Wiki too. Lots of interesting stuff in there.)