It's smoke and what looks like eyes are the dark indentations in the background.
It's smoke and what looks like eyes are the dark indentations in the background.
Will never trust a kike.
You fucking idiots are clueless.
Says the faggot who sucks Kike Rothschilds dick every chance he gets.
Nope but you will die of gassing.
No, you eat kike dick 24/7, you anti-American, anti-white kike fucking scum of the earth marxist.
Won't even bother with TOGTFO since I'd rather drag my balls across broken glass than see your saggy, flap jack kike tits.
You're a fucking idiot.
Says the retard kike who follows kike indoctrination that pushes Satanic New World order agendas daily and doesn't realize D-Day was a satanic offering by the very same people you worship.
Kill yourself.
>Baby fucker
Fuck you kike.
That's what kikes do.
Talk about projection, holy fucking shit.
I would gladly put a bullet right between your eyes ever saying that shit in front of me.
The years digging on pizzagate and exposing real fucking pedos.
Your fucking days are numbered you piece of shit.
Give coords then faggot kike.