As we see WorldWide in the current 'pandemic' , freedom is a choice. Moreso than people realise. Taken from you by your own acquiescence, your own ignorances, your own misguided trust instincts, you own lack of ability to juggle the logical and the illogical to come up with truth - and oceans of shear laziness, allowing sport, and entertainment to fill the void where your always enquiring mind should be.
In the West, long held Freedoms aren't been taken from us. We're willingly handing them over.
The stupid don't realise you can't just say when you want those rights back again. Mostly you have to fight for them. When they are gone, they are gone for generations, not weeks.
Chinese people have their own battles to fight. Mostly, I'd want them to stop being the starting point of so many yearly disease cycles.
Surely, as a Nation proud of its modern power and technology developments, they should feel somewhat embarrassed at its reputation as home of new strands of flu that require yearly vaccinations of the world's most vulnerable people to avoid.
Less vaccinations, more closing down portals of infection.