Feminism is a military psychological weapon that is being used by the Deep State to weaken the male population for more State Control
Same agenda is also about exterminating the caucasian race.
Jews and the elite in general have a natural and constant fear and paranoia regarding the intellect and the rebellious nature of the white man. We've let ourselves down in the last 50 or 60 years, but prior to that we were not as pliable and easily manipulated as the stupider races. If we are being pushed around too much by the government, we get rid of them. This has proven true time & again throughout history.
This is why the frankfurt school targeted nationalism and painted nationalism and populism and painted them as evil and signs of fascist tendencies. They need to shatter our identity to secure their freedom to operate in our societies.
A mixed up brown populace will have no identity and no sense of cohesion, along with a reduced intellect. The elite & establishment could get away with doing practically anything and treat them like slaves as long as they are placated with their gadgets, clothing, tv shows, cars, etc.
TL;DR, they want to enslave the human race and white people are the greatest obstacle to that goal.
The Southern Poverty Law Center, an organization run and controlled by Jews, which claims to monitor socalled "hate groups" is merely a propaganda arm of Jew supremacists. Of course, any group that points out what jews are doing to wreck this country is considered a "hate group".
The truth is, the SPLC is a smear group. They demonize White Nationalists by referring to them as "White supremacists" and "racists" and claim White Nationalists only support policies that benefit White people. We are not White supremacists, of course, and we do not seek to subjugate other races. If loving your own kind is "racism", then, I guess we are "racists", but so is everyone on the planet, and it is the Jew supremacists themselves who are the primary racists. If the Southern Poverty Law Center hates something then you know it's good.
Another problem with SPLC lies is, there really are no policies at all that benefit White people. Although Whites make up the majority of the US population, there are no organizations that are looking out for White interests. There are only policies instituted by the US government that harm and take away from Whites, and it is jewish power, of which the SPLC is an integral part. Jewish groups initiate the legislation of antiwhite laws and policies. Jews were the driving force behind the antiwhite '60s immigration which triggered the massive nonwhite immigration and the civil rights act which has resulted endless racial unrest in once peaceful predominantly White cities.
The only things White Nationalists are guilty of is their goal to awaken their fellow Whites of European heritage, the group responsible for the creation of this nation, that Whites, our traditions, our culture, are being sytematically squeezed out existence and destroyed by supremacist jews who are at the forefront of enabling, empowering, and entitling of non-whites.
It's a life under the demonic Marxist Jewish Apartheid in the good ole USSA. In Russia the Jewish bolsheviks killed 'land owners' and the 'privileged' class. This was called 'Class warfare' under marxist theology. Back then, social class was the target for the bolsheviks. Today, they tell us "White Land Owners" and "White Privilege" are to blame. They're indoctrinating US school children with a racialized version marxist class warfare.
Be extremely careful. These indoctrinated young people are sheep being led into things they know little about. Buy ammo, and your guns before they get banned. White americans are being set up to be slaughtered. Oh well… The future will be interesting. And by interesting I mean extremely violent. They murdered 60-65 million the old USSR; how many will they slaughter in America?
The prospect of tyranny may not grab the headlines the way vivid stories of gun crime routinely do. But few saw the Jewish bolshevik revolution coming until it was far too late. The Second Amendment is a doomsday provision, one designed for those exceptionally rare circumstances where all other rights have failed - where the government refuses to stand for re-election and silences those who protest; where courts have lost the courage to oppose, or can find no one to enforce their decrees. However improbable these contingencies may seem today, facing them unprepared is a mistake a free people get to make only once.
Retired US Army General and the former Supreme Allied Commander of Europe for NATO Wesley Clark (Jew) advocates rounding up “radicalized” and “disloyal” Americans (patriots, veterans, white, christians, gun owners) and putting them in internment camps for the “duration” of the war on terror. In a nutshell, Jew Wesley Clark just laid it out. the future… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaPwqokBn9M
But you are soo smart in America; you know all about holocaust and big bad mean Nazi….
Gun Control creates a populace of disarmed serfs who cannot resist Jewish bolshevik tyranny. The Bolshevik Communists aka Khazar Jews want your guns Americans and they will do everything to achieve this goal. Once they have your guns you will end up in Gulags aka FEMA camps. Jews have a history of massacring Whites. Ask the Ukrainians about the Holodomor. Ask Russians about the Gulag Archipelago. Just ask the Greeks, Hanukkah is a celebration of a massive Jewish massacre against them. Purim is another celebration of a Jewish massacre against the Persians. It's sick to think a group of people celebrate the deaths of others the way Christians celebrate Christmas. Jews killed untold numbers of Germans during and after WWII.
As Kevin MacDonald writes the likely outcome: our land will be confiscated, we will be marginalized, after that, we will be deemed "surplus population" and wiped out.
They all need to be expelled as treasonous traitorous scums. Americans will be totally helpless after gun confiscation is complete. Traitorous Jews pretending to be one of you , they have no business in our gentile lands.