In case you haven't picked up on it by the accelerating attempts to muddy Flynns names over the past week by any means possible, Flynn has his hands on something that is going to haunt the lives of a lot of big players in the international arena.
Just on this board I've seen at least 5 coordinated efforts to muddy his name in subtle injections. Real minds are at work trying to get us to hold doubt about his character.
Just remember, none of this information was coming out about him when he was held in contempt. So there is something tied to that ruling that was suppressing whatever information he is holding.
Safe to assume he has a big target on his back as well. I'm sure he waives that off, but his family could be in harms way as well.
These guys, Trump, Flynn & Team are putting their lives on the line for us and a future they believe in. When they asked us to Trust, it's the very least we can do.