This question is not as simple is one may think, I think its so individual that you will get many different answers from each and every person who chooses to answer so in other words no true consensus. I believe in humanity, I have seen the best in others. I have been helped by human beings who I never thought would lift a finger for me and rejected and abused by thsoe I trusted the most so I guess it all depends on one anon's personal experience. To address the populace I believe that most humans are good and divine, that many want what's best for those around them locally (family, friends, community) and they would put in the work to make it so. But I have also seen the other side of humanity, the cruel side, the side that has no loyalty or compassion, the side that will rob your wallet in the morning and help you look for it in the afternoon, the ones who in secret are violent to their loved ones but every body says he is such a great father, husband etc. Women no different. So there is this anon's perspective.