Anonymous ID: 50826c July 6, 2020, 10:21 a.m. No.9875076   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>oh shit, the people have awakened, wut do?

>oh, i got!, we'll preach about coming together

>forgive and forget

>throw them a few crumbs while we remain filthy fucking rich

>surely they will just forgive the trillions upon trillions we've stolen from them

>at this point what difference does it make?

>their kids are already fags, who cares?

>faggots are pedo's best friends, just call them a bigot if they don't accept fags, or call them muzzies, that'll work too

>surely they'll forget we indoctrinated their children and children's children into being marxist commies who want to kill them for simply being white, pro-constitution, pro-nuclear family, and straight

Washington rolls in his fucking grave.