100% effective way to keep her alive is to handcuff her to Flotus until GJ appearance.
Will these frickers ever go out of style?
Going by the Director Anon breads over on half, Pelosi is the real culprit. Big time public face, I think it was.
I wouldn't be surprised if Schumer and Trump have some sort of arrangement. They have to go way back (Both NYC kids) and, therefore, it would be pretty hard for them to bullshit each other.
Link the rumor that Schumer had to visit the bathroom after a WH meeting in, and I think they have a deal going.
Obama, AOC, Abedin, Adern (NZ) and Kamala Harris are clones according to director anon.
That would make Harris the most likely VP pick. Also, AOC a cabal plant working with Pelosi if directoranon is legit.
"Take Back The USA"
Charlie Daniels
Directoranon lists a Kahn as part of the "jar" group. I think he meant Sadiq Kahn, but not sure. Goes along with what you say.
AOC too young, still, for VP. That's why I think it will be Harris.
terrorism[ ter-uh-riz-uh m ]
the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.
Cabal promises the jittery troops that they'll "clean up" the Maxwell mess, but good guys yank her first.
Bing panics and jumps. Directoranon starts to believe and drops on half chan.
Could that be the script, now?