Wow, Anons. I don't feel good.
I was interested in a small tidbit of information on Robert Maxwells wikipedia page which said
>A hint of Maxwell's service to the Israeli state was provided by John Loftus and Mark Aarons, who described Maxwell's contacts with Czechoslovak communist leaders in 1948 as crucial to the Czechoslovak decision to arm Israel in the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. Czechoslovak military assistance was both unique and crucial for the fledgling state as it battled for its existence. It was Maxwell's covert help in smuggling aircraft parts into Israel that led to the country having air superiority during their 1948 War of Independence.
Emphasis on
>Chechoslovak Communist
I go to check out the citation which is this book by John Loftus and Mark Aarons called
>'The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed The Jewish People'
Chapter 9 is attached, it's the chapter on Robert Maxwell.
The entire book is Anti-American and covers for the Ancient Satanic cabal but they are so so proud of Robert Maxwell.
There is one American Patriot they mention with such contempt it makes me sick. James Vincent Forrestal.
1st Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal knew about the CIA's relationship with the Nazi's because of Allen Dulles business dealings.
1st Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal knew about the Zionist states relationship with the Communists.
1st Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal blew the whistle, but the aforementioned parties had too much power and control over the now Satanic controlled
Because he knew too much, they labeled him as crazy, they said he was exhausted from overwork. They locked him up and tortured him to death.
>In 1949, exhausted from overwork, Forrestal entered psychiatric treatment. The attending psychiatrist, Captain George N. Raines, was handpicked by the Navy Surgeon General. The regimen was as follows:
> 1st week: narcosis with sodium amytal.
> 2nd – 5th weeks: a regimen of insulin sub-shock combined with psycho-therapeutic interviews. According to Dr. Raines, the patient overreacted to the insulin much as he had to the amytal and this would occasionally throw him into a confused state with a great deal of agitation and confusion.
> 4th week: insulin administered only in stimulating doses; 10 units of insulin four times a day, morning, noon, afternoon and evening.
>According to Dr. Raines, "We considered electro-shock but thought it better to postpone it for another 90 days. In reactive depression if electro-shock is used early and the patient is returned to the same situation from which he came there is grave danger of suicide in the immediate period after they return… so strangely enough we left out electro-shock to avoid what actually happened anyhow".
The book tries to tell us that the Prime Minister at the time quickly broke off all ties with the communists, but 5 years after our people died by the thousands to on the beaches of Normandy, six months after the only man who knew the whole story had been tortured to death, the newly found Zionist state jumped at the opportunity to be the very first member of the middle east to recognize Mao Zedong's Satanic CCP
May God Help Us All. Anons, please pray for the soul of James Vincent Forrestal, who died for so much more than could ever be appreciated. I'm not a crier, but this is too much.