Ghislaine Maxwell Judge Is An Obama Judge, Jewish, Gay, Liberal
I was kind of thinking the timing of arresting Ghislaine Maxwell was curious. Especially after Berman was fired from the SDNY. SDNY is so notorious that everyone even knows what it means, Southern District of NY.
If something outrageous, stupid, is going to happen in the courts, it will be in the SDNY.
So it appears that the Cabal has Captured Ghislaine in order to free her while they still have near total control of SDNY. And let no "crisis" go to waste, or no avenue to create a crisis go to waste. Her mistrial will add fuel to riots, and the judge will of course order all records related to the case to be destroyed and the rest of the proceedings to be put "under seal"
Not sure why Trump has not cleaned house of these Obama judges, there will be no justice until they are gone.
Think late September and I really should be back in school…..I mean preparing for an election…..and Chauvin is freed on some technicality that outrages everyone.
The black Muslim Antifa fan, Keith Ellison is in charge of that trial.
What if Ghislaine Maxwell trial is "thrown out" about the same time? Everyone on both sides of the aisle will be ready to riot.
So how do 2 lesbians adopt baby boy twins? I thought adoptions were pretty hard to do, but how does one get "lucky enough" to adopt twins.
I pity those boys growing up with 2 Global Social Justice Warriors.
Alison Nathan apparently has 2 sons, one of which she named Nathan.