Anonymous ID: a676f5 July 6, 2020, 12:49 p.m. No.9876243   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9870783 (PB)

They didn't report HCQ + Zinc. Only HCQ + Azithromicin.

We know that the Zinc is an essential part of the regimen and that the Azithromicin is actually OPTIONAL (depending on infection). We also know that the full shotgun (HCQ + Zn +Z-Pack) is the dynamite regimen.

I can't imagine that the folks at HFH didn't include it in the study.

>>9870739 (PB)

It's an excuse to show her tits.

>>9870764 (PB)

Dammit, now Trump stole an island, too!.

>>9870926 (PB)

Liz and Tammy need to go to Mozambique.

>>9871021 (PB)

How about we do both? Clue for the Clueless: The Russians have been using remote viewing with a reasonable amount of success for decades. It would stand to reason that every nation with sufficient budget is doing so.