So where are we in Revelation?
Good question.
We are between chapters 3 and 4. The church age entered into on Pentecost endures, and the rapture at the feast of trumpets is the next event.
However, in regard to the Old Testament, we are in Ezekiel 37 and about to hit a fairly big trigger.
Valley of dry bones: The destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, 70 AD. Million(s) dead, rest scattered to the winds.
Can it live again?
God: Yes.
Event: Jubilee 197, 1867, General Charles Warren excavates Jerusalem
Event: Jubilee 198, 1917, Balfour Declaration from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lord Rothschild
Event: Great noise, and suddenly a rattling. WWII/Holocaust. 1 in 3 Jews worldwide die.
Event: and the bones came together, bone to bone. May 14, 1948
Event: the sinews and the flesh came upon them, and the skin covered them over.
Jubilee 199: 1967, Six Day War. Jerusalem under Israel control.
Event: but there was no breath (Ruach Elohim, Spirit of God) in them.
Jubilee 200: 2017, Donald J. Trump recognizes Jerusalem as the eternal capital of Israel.
Event: I will put My Spirit in you, and you shall live, and I will place you in your own land.
you are here
harpadzo here
Event: Ezekiel 38 battle. Israel v all her neighbors, total war. The world knows the living God fights for Israel, as Israel wins.
{Insert Daniel's 70th Week/Heptad here/Troubles of Jacob/Tribulation}
God is in the process of returning all of the Jews in the world to Israel.
So, that will happen in your lifetime.
Be careful what you wish for, because all hell is about to be unleashed.