True, but the Caballists have actually brought some real descendants of Abraham via the Ethiopians and there are still some Palestinians who are descendants of the cohens. You can't wipe it off the face of the map without hurting some actual Jews, as opposed to the Khazarians who make up the majority.
Extremely enlightening get it over to twitter, first 45 secs, they will eat it up. That's where I have spread it.
amazon app does this too. My daughter was pretending to be a cat and my wife said to another kid "come get your cat." The amazon app pulls up and ad for 9 lives cat food. We have no cat and have never ordered cat stuff.
I'm gonna sue their ass and their balls.
Hey, I got a place in Sedona. what gives.
no telling. I wonder if we'll ever get the truth on him. If he's working with the good guys in the end, they may not re-write the hollywood version of the story. Since Hollywood = CIA, I am assuming he must have been a bad guy. If people wake up enough they may want answers but they are going to have much bigger fish (in a literal Assyrian sense) to fry.
Are you serious?
Q told us the Kabal staged that attack in response to Trump saying we were pulling out, so what are you doing on this board if you don't believe Q?