Anonymous ID: 313ea6 July 6, 2020, 2:51 p.m. No.9877231   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7317

Ghislaine Maxwell will die from coronavirus in prison cover-up, Epstein conspiracy theory ‘truthers’ claim


BIZARRE 'truthers' believe Ghislaine Maxwell will be killed off in prison within weeks as part of a coronavirus cover up.


They have latched onto a news report which claimed Jeffrey Epstein's so-called pimp had been struck down by the virus - dated next week.


The apparent BBC report is clearly a hoax but conspiracy theorists believe it is for real and was actually published early by mistake.


They claim the "deep state" will now use the virus pandemic to cover up the British socialite's murder behind bars.


Their warped fears come after a lawyer for the victims of Epstein also said he believes Maxwell will die in prison because she “knows too much.”


One Twitter user wrote: 'Ghislaine Maxwell will be found shot, stabbed, and have a broken neck…Cause of death? Coronavirus.'


Another added: 'Maxwell's in ICU with coronavirus next Saturday, but the BBC put it out too early by mistake.'


Others claimed news she has contracted the killer virus was "very convenient" as it would make it easy to explain her future death in jail.


MSM, The lady doth protest too much, methinks

Anonymous ID: 313ea6 July 6, 2020, 2:55 p.m. No.9877267   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7296 >>7303 >>7360 >>7904

Top Anglican Archbishop Claims ‘Jesus Was a Black Man’


The Church of England is “too white” while “Jesus was a black man”, according to the new Archbishop of York.


Speaking to The Sunday Times, Stephen Cottrell praised the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, and said his inauguration this week as a white man replacing outgoing Archbishop John Sentamu — who is black — is “awkward” for the church.


“The leadership of the Church of England is still too white, and I hope under my watch we’ll see further changes on that,” he said, asserting that the church has work to do “addressing the deep systemic issues of exclusion and prejudice”.


Cottrell, who The Times describes as “a liberal moderniser”, told the newspaper he wanted to celebrate BLM and was certain that Jesus Christ would have joined in with their protests, many of which have erupted into violence in cities across the West.


“Jesus was a black man, and he was born into a persecuted group in an occupied country,” the new archbishop said.


During the interview, he praised “the inclusion of women in leadership” within the church but confessed to being “very frustrated often at the pace of change”.


Cottrell went on to affirm his support for “LGBTQ+ Christians”, stating that pastoral guidance maintaining church teaching that heterosexual marriage ‘remains the proper context for sexual activity’ should have “been worded more carefully”.


“There are people with strongly held traditional views that I understand and respect, and I want them to be part of the church. But at the same time I’m thinking of LGBTQ+ Christians and their experience; I don’t want them to be disenfranchised or excluded, so we’re going to have to find a way of living together with disagreement,” said the second-most powerful cleric in the Church of England.

Anonymous ID: 313ea6 July 6, 2020, 2:56 p.m. No.9877276   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Outrage After Commission Backs Party in National Elections, Breaching EU Rules on Impartiality


The European Union’s executive arm blamed a series of technical mistakes after its top official threw her support behind the ruling conservative party in Croatia’s parliamentary elections, in breach of political neutrality guidelines.


Ursula von der Leyen, the German president of the European Commission, appeared with other center-right politicians in a promotional video clip posted over the weekend by the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) ahead of Sunday’s vote.


A former defense minister in Germany, Von der Leyen is a member of the center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and belongs to the same European People´s Party as HDZ. But the code of conduct for members of the European Commission states that they “shall abstain from making public statements or interventions on behalf of any political party or organization of the social partners of which they are members,” except when they stand for election or participate in a vote.


Speaking during a press conference on Monday, the chief spokesman for the commission, Eric Mamer, said Von der Leyen was meant to be speaking in a personal capacity and repeatedly declined to offer formal apologies for the mixup.


Mamer said she recorded the message at the request of the Croatian Prime minister’s cabinet on Friday during a session held in the commission’s studios before the video was sent to Croatia. He said Von der Leyen recorded several other messages that day as part of her communication strategy during the coronavirus crisis, which requires the use of video for virtual appearances as in-person meetings remain limited.


“Obviously this video should not have been recorded against the backdrop of the Berlaymont,” said Mamer, referring to the office building in Brussels housing the headquarters of the commission, the EU’s executive branch. “When it was recorded they used the same backdrop they had used for the previous video recordings.”


The video triggered an avalanche of criticism on social media. In the short footage, Von der Leyen was identified as the European Commission president and was filmed standing in front of a European flag.


“In the post production phase in Zagreb the heading `president’ was added to the backdrop and that was not of course provided for initially,” Mamer said.


Asked whether Von der Leyen had breached the commission’s code of conduct by meddling in the Croatian election, Mamer said only unintentional mistakes led to the final version of the video.


“Clearly the president is of the view that it’s a good thing for European democracy that members of the college can engage in active political life,” Mamer said. “So that’s the kind of things which must be permitted. At the same time the appropriate conditions must apply to any such activities.”


According to partial results, the ruling conservatives overwhelmingly won the elections held Sunday. With over 90 percent of the vote counted, the HDZ has 66 seats in Croatia´s 151-seat parliament and is likely to form a new coalition government with smaller right-wing groups.

Anonymous ID: 313ea6 July 6, 2020, 2:57 p.m. No.9877282   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7401 >>7439 >>7527 >>7596 >>7711 >>7943

Former UK Spy Chief Tells Security Services: Don’t Dismiss Theory Coronavirus Came from Chinese Lab


The former head of MI6 has warned his former colleagues in the intelligence service and the scientific community not to dismiss the theory that the Chinese coronavirus came from a lab in Wuhan, after last month revealing that a study claimed COVID-19 had elements “inserted” into it.


Sir Richard Dearlove, head of Britain’s foreign intelligence service from 1999 to 2004, doubled down this week on his assessment that coronavirus may have been manufactured in a lab in Wuhan and had accidentally escaped.


The official scientific theory maintains that it originated naturally, mutating from bat to human, perhaps through an intermediary animal. It is believed that it started at a ‘wet market’ in Wuhan, where live animals are sold for human consumption.


“I subscribe to the theory… that it’s an engineered escapee from the Wuhan Institute [of Virology],” said the former head of the Secret Intelligence Service.


“There is an accumulation of evidence that this is something that has to be openly discussed in the scientific community,” he said, as he urged for the possibility to be properly investigated.


“If we are going to have an inquiry in the UK — which I’m sure will happen — about the pandemic and government policy, it will have to start with the science. Where did this virus actually come from?” the former spy chief, whose role was informally known as “C”, asked.


Former UK Spy Chief Claims Coronavirus Escaped from Chinese Lab


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) June 5, 2020


Responding to claims that the current heads of Britain’s security and intelligence services will not entertain the theory that Chinese coronavirus could have been manmade, Dearlove told Sky News on Sunday: “I am just staggered. They clearly haven’t read the science. And they haven’t attempted to understand it. The onus is now on the leadership of China to explain why the theory and the hypothesis that it could be engineered is wrong.”


Richard Dearlove first discussed the scientific basis for the Wuhan coronavirus being manmade in June. In response, MI5 — Britain’s domestic intelligence agency — reportedly claimed the remarks from the seasoned intelligence officer were based on “fake news”.


Last month, Dearlove had quoted a joint British-Norwegian paper which claimed the virus had “unique fingerprints” which were “indicative of purposive manipulation” that therefore could not have happened through spontaneous natural mutation. The paper also suggested its origins were indeed in China.


Allegedly, the academic community did not accept the paper for publication until it was revised, according to Dearlove, to reduce the explicit blame on the communist superpower.


“This [the first] article was submitted to a… journal, which refused it within a week of receiving it, and in the same period accepted for publication two or three Chinese articles that relate to the virus, within 48 hours,” Sir Richard said.


He added: “Let’s suggest that the Chinese maybe have too much say in their journals, in what appears and what doesn’t.”


China Lied, People Died: Five Eyes Report Details CCP Coronavirus Cover-up


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) May 2, 2020

Anonymous ID: 313ea6 July 6, 2020, 2:58 p.m. No.9877294   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mexican Government Blames High Coronavirus Mortality Rate on Obesity


One of Mexico’s top health officials is drawing harsh criticism after saying the high rate of Coronavirus fatalities is largely thanks to poor eating habits and obesity. The country now ranks fifth in the world for deaths.


Mexico’s Undersecretary of Health Hugo Lopez Gatell recently took to social media to lash out at the public and various food companies for poor eating habits, which account for more than half of local Coronavirus fatalities. Lopez Gatell previously said that diabetes, obesity, and other health problems place patients at a higher risk. According to the health official, a large portion of Mexicans are overweight.


La mitad de la mortalidad en México está relacionada con enfermedades asociadas a la mala alimentación. Todas y todos, incluso las empresas que se han enriquecido por la venta de productos dañinos para la población, debemos reflexionar sobre nuestro modelo de vida y consumo. 1/2


— Hugo López-Gatell Ramírez (@HLGatell) July 5, 2020


Mexico is currently reporting 256,848 confirmed cases and 30,639 fatalities. The figures show an approximate 11.9 percent fatality rate, much higher than other nations sitting closer to 3 percent. The United States is currently showing a downward trend near 5.9 percent.


Al 5 de julio de 2020 hay 256,848 casos positivos y 71,305 sospechosos de #COVID19. Se han registrado 155,604 personas recuperadas, 312,989 casos negativos, 30,639 defunciones confirmadas y fueron estudiadas 641,142 personas. 1/2


— Hugo López-Gatell Ramírez (@HLGatell) July 6, 2020


The statements by Gatell earned harsh criticism on social media, arguing he was making excuses for a lack of preparation. Mexico did not confirm its first case until late February, giving the nation almost a month to prepare, compared to others.


¿Ahora le van a echar la culpa del mal manejo de la pandemia a las empresas que venden alimentos? Eso es no tener madre. ¡Háganse responsables de sus actos por una méndiga vez en el gobierno! No estamos jugando, es la vida de la ciudadanía, coño.


— Hada Liz Fernández (@HadaFeminista) July 5, 2020


Lopez Gatell was also criticized by a Harvard epidemiologist for performing a comparably smaller number of tests.