Anonymous ID: 3fd21a July 6, 2020, 2:58 p.m. No.9877289   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7320 >>7346 >>7444 >>7515

>>9876813 (lb)

>If that's true and he was the bakers that hid all that info on Robert Maxwell's controlled opposition, does that mean InTheMatrixxx and whoever he works for controls the bakery?

OH someone else noticed the baker/mods?


Last week when I first posted the Assange / CIA attack on his child video the o7 bakers hide it. They just deleted my original repost of it on this thread. I reposted it along with the same questions anyone here should be able to answer but can't won't. I answered Q's "who is behind Maxwell" question on this thread, and all I keep getting are attacks.


FUNGUS popped into a dedicated RV ANON thread on PND and announced it's presence, then went out and deleted the thread. The bakers/mods o7 are controlling this board and you don't even realize it (well you do but I can't help but note the responses to your post.


This board is NOT a freespeech board, they tightly control what people see. I cannot even believe they deleted that post from THIS thread. holy shit this is what is demoralizing. Figuring this out. This is actually terrifying.

This is the post that was deleted and reposted


And in this thread my post about the Assange interview and the CIA has been deleted.


I'll repost it.


Why has this continually been deleted and why can't anyone answer the questions regarding this interview? Why did the CIA immediately put out another presser after I posted this here last week, stating they had more charges against Assange?


The two questions


  1. Why is Trump's CIA hunting a CHILD's DNA to leverage Assange into handing over his dead man's switch.


  1. If Trump is unaware that the CIA is doing this, who is actually running this country?


Try to answer logically after watching the video. No strawman attacks, just answer it, which witch is which.


NO ONE will answer the question, that is how absolute the control is. NO ONE can even think about it. I am legit brain fucked over this.

Anonymous ID: 3fd21a July 6, 2020, 3:05 p.m. No.9877346   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7388 >>7474 >>7488 >>7560


>This is the last bastion of free thought or expression on the net.

This is an out and out lie. See



I guess you haven't noticed shit that gets deleted immediately and if you notice and repost it they have to leave it be because screenshots? Why is the o7 brigade and Fungus shutting down conversations being held NOT even on this board? What is so scary about letting people discuss RV Anon posts?



Then why did you conveniently skip the new word brought by Jesus and ONLY post an OT verse that only supported what you want to believe because you took an oath that violates the NT warnings against doing so?


Not Swearing Oaths


Matthew 5:34


But I say to you, make no oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God.


James 5:12


Verse Concepts


But above all, my brethren, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or with any other oath; but your yes is to be yes, and your no, no, so that you may not fall under judgment.


Jesus said in Matthew 5:33–37:


Again you have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not swear falsely, but shall perform to the Lord what you have sworn.’ But I say to you, Do not take an oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. And do not take an oath by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black. Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil.


And then James picks it up, “Above all, my brothers,” — which is quite a statement — “do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath. Let your yes be ‘yes’ and your no be ‘no,’ so that you may not fall under condemnation” (James 5:12).


Now as soon as those verses are quoted like that, usually it is pointed out from the other side: Well, wait a minute, God himself took an oath in Hebrews 6:13–18. And angels take oaths (Revelation 10:5–7). And Paul at least five times heightened his seriousness in telling this truth by saying he was speaking in the presence of God or Christ (see, for example, Romans 9:1–2).


Now my response to that is to say: Yes, that is important to take into consideration, but none of those examples, as far as I can tell, diminishes the seriousness or applicability of Jesus’s words in Matthew 5:33–37 or James’s words in James 5:12. The burden of Jesus is that his people be so utterly and deeply and simply committed to tell the truth that they don’t need buttresses to hold up their words, like the fear of desecrating a sacred object or whatever. In fact, Jesus says that if you add to “yes” or “no,” it is likely that this is coming from evil.


LOL and there you are. Look there's a lot of people that flat out saw what the o7 brigade did last week. A lot of people that now know what Fungus is doing, what was just deleted off the last bread. If just one person is able to answer that question and think then good. Clearly you're response is the typical strawman which is, of course expected when people want to avoid thinking about uncomfortable questions.


So woke. The misinformation flow goes both ways.

Anonymous ID: 3fd21a July 6, 2020, 3:13 p.m. No.9877409   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7537


Might I also add that ((HARVARD))) had planned a symposium this year to find ways to get homeschooling made illegal in the US. ALL the attendees were (((JEWISH))) academics.


Might I also add that pic related happened, not even bothering posting the source because this place is 100% comp'd now. But please carefully read the pic and whatever you do, find another way to educate your child until the school system is purged of the filth.


Letting your kids go back to school is the worst possible thing you can do right now. Gather with neighbors, and create a 1 room schoolroom like the olds ones. Hire a teacher for them and get the gov. to pay for it with your school tax money using the new SCOTUS ruling.


Using this ruling to move students placed here to spy and create issues (such as Chinese and Indian students who I am sure you have noticed are among the most radical of radicals on the left) sent home from the US is only going to help us.

Anonymous ID: 3fd21a July 6, 2020, 3:19 p.m. No.9877476   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7510 >>7616


RIGHT so I didn't watch the "non existant" crew signing their posts o7 last week and laughing about burying the Assange video and the whoever the fuck it was that just deleted the first post of the same on the previous thread?


Maybe the o7 latenight crew should stop signing their posts and laughing about burying shit. Because that happened. Your vicious nonresponse is just more proof for me to stash away. That was a very sad night for me–to realize I'd been tricked into believing this was free speech then seeing in front of my eyes that it wasn't. ANYONE complaining about bakers controlling the narrative is exactly right.


Now can you be brave and watch the video I posted (again) and answer the questions I asked about it? if not, why not?

Anonymous ID: 3fd21a July 6, 2020, 3:40 p.m. No.9877648   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I know there is I watched them do it late night. So did others who commented WTF to me. So you believe what you want. I've done two social control experiments with articles and videos on this board and the response as confirmed what I feared.


I KNOW why no one is answering the two questions I asked re the CIA hunting Assange's kid. The answer is fucking obvious.


I tried this on both sides of the "war" and the response has been exactly the same from both sides. EXACTLY the same from the left as from the "right" or whatever people are that are posting here.


How is that possible? Since when does a video trigger BOTH sides the same way?


I ran another experiment using the embedded lecture on the cancer of social media, and guess what? A simple "go to your FB account, find the permanently delete button, hover your finger over it–and chart your range of emotions as you do so. Report how it made you feel.


NO ONE could do it. You know why? Command and control is complete.


The lecture is 100% correct. Society WILL and already is divided by those who use social media and those who do not. Those who use it are in a constant emotional battle which is, of course, the whole point–for BOTH sides..

Anonymous ID: 3fd21a July 6, 2020, 3:51 p.m. No.9877765   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7782 >>7874 >>7929


They are controlling the narrative bro..not so much during day shift but night shift they were laughing about it and o7 all over the place. And I am right now more demoralized because people I thought would actually answer the Assange question are not only deleting it (they only deleted it once in the PB) but trying to make sure no one even thinks about it.


Q asked a clear question to find who Maxwell's "hidden" or not so well known connections were and I posted them because I recognized it early on in 2016 and have kept an eye since. BUT but because I pointed out that Undercover Nurse was a hard core member of Scientology and would never have made that video without their consent, and people WANT and NEED to believe her–they immediately dismissed what I said.


I am legit …this place too?


"FUNGUS" is some tranny (or so we are supposed to believe) nthat has been trolling this board ever since it opened. Every day all day.


When someone started a thread on the 8kun PND board to discuss RV ANON's posts (which cannot happen here) within a few posts Fungus popped in announced it's fungal presence and then went out and deleted the thread. NOT breaking a single rule, especially of 8kun.

The night I brought the Assange video here and asked the OBVIOUS questions anyone with half a brain would ask and want to discuss, the people who are always signing their posts o7 (some kind of salute and way of identifying each other and that too has been happening since the beginning) started posting to each other to bury the Assange video and signing their posts o7. I saw them doing it and so did others and anyone with half a mind has to ask WHY? Is this not important?


Someone doesn't want you to think about that. they want you to see the autoresponse that is always strawman and never ever responds to the content.


I was on 4chan the first night Q showed up there and ever since. But after the move here..and now nearly 4 years into it…I have maintained my independent thought. I want to know TRUTH not what someone else wants me to believe. I look at everything from all sides–this is demoralizing actually. I cannot ignore the "control" happening here-I got the exact same response from the lefties.


This should be logically impossible.

Anonymous ID: 3fd21a July 6, 2020, 4:01 p.m. No.9877863   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I have posted many times in the past but not so much lately because I get too depressed and demoralized coming here the same way I do reading the left stuff. See my other posts on this thread for why.


But I have posted PROOF of corruption in KIKE_RUN Educational publishing, I've begged to be able to participate in writing

Ethics in Educational Publishing

Ethics in Academic Publishing


Legislation that would END the shit you see in pic related. In fact I've posted screenshots of some of my actual "work" product that should fucking horrify parents only to be met with



See pic related? That American History textbook barely resembled American History at ALL it was so fucked up that I took screenies. PLEASE READ THEM…as you read them please remember–this KIKE-WRITTEN textbook was due to the typesetters on November 8th, 2016.


The civil rights section is a clear explanation for why both black and white kids are acting like idiots, paraphrasing:


>black kids are never going to be able to succeed in life

>because white kids


Please whoever is watching, please let me form a team to write this legislation. Let me form my OWN team so I can keep the subversives OUT and start educating our kids again.


If you want proof that HILLARY was not supposed to lose and that the KIKES were so sure of it they wrote it in their history books, READ MY PICS.

Anonymous ID: 3fd21a July 6, 2020, 4:13 p.m. No.9877976   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>They have it all, Q's said that. Trust him.

Please note that I am being careful how I phrase this. I am trying to convey a complex concept in a way so as ...oh fuck I don't even know anymore.


To know why I am concerned you'd have to see RV ANON's posts on the thread that FUNGUS laughingly deleted.


They do not want anyone discussing this. Making a few scattered easily ignored posts on a fast moving thread is nothing scary. Most people will auto ignore anything that sparks that "let's think about this" trigger in their brain. But an entire thread of people discussing it and the science surrounding it? Was deleted and imagine my surprise when it was FUNGUS, the same fucking control freak from qresearch that popped into the thread, announced it's Fungal presence, laughed about the "I'm going to delete this and there's nothing you can do about it" then promptly went out and deleted the thread. It was not even qresearch! WHO really is this fungus and why do they have so much control over this 8kun?


I have reason not to trust Q. Very good reason...and we should be able to debate that like we used to. WHY does this "right" constantly whine about being "shut down" and censored and the left crying about feels being hurt and not wanting to see scary words, when they are doing the exact same thing here?


I am obviously watching the autodomesticated response and blinking my eyes hoping it will go away but it's still here. Why would I auto trust a computer AI system? (and I can probe it and we could discuss it but the autoresponse is IMMEDIATE and that is $cientology 101.


Why do we call $cientologists "clams"? For two reasons,

  1. L Ron's hysterical evolutionary theory that we evolved from clams


  1. the most important reason? EACH time you say something to a $cientologist that goes against what they "believe" the CLICK shut and shut down immediately the same way a clam does when you touch it.


In this post (pb)



I answer Q's question about the hidden Robert Maxwell associations that are huge players in this. Do you see a single response? CLICK.