Hey Anons,
I want to tell you of a little encounter I had today in a store, in California.
I went into one this morning, sans mask as I do. Minding my own business, I hear a voice trying to get my attention. I turned and a 350lb'er(at least) was rolling up to me in her shopping go-cart wearing NOT a mask but a cheap face shield.
She tells me I am suppose to be wearing a mask. I tell her I do not need to wear one by law…that the CA civil code 51, allows me into to any store that makes others wear a mask. I tried to hand her a copy of the civil code, I had printed out from the government web page. She waved that off with her hand and told me she worked for the store and that I could in fact, not come into the store without a face covering and that I needed to get a shield like the one she was wearing. She added I was breaking the law.
Well, Thanks to the other anons and that one woman (penny or peggy) that did the YT video about the civil code of Ca., I armed myself with knowledge and the truth and then took it to her. I did not let her wave the paper aside this time and told her she didn't know the law. That I was NOT in violation of any law or mandate and that if she had listen to Governor Newsom, as I had, she would have heard him say, those with underlying conditions did not need to wear a mask and also, by her trying to deny me MY RIGHTS(my voice was rising at this point as I was walking away, dismissing her) She was in violation of the actual law, as was her manager , store owner and the corporation if they allowed her to ask me to leave.
I saw her with her mouth hanging open as I turned away and I hate to admit
I felt I was slightly shaking like a triggered NPC, but I did it.
It felt good. I stood up to a self-righteous sjw who knew squat and wanted to put me in my place. I armed myself with knowledge, truth and the law. She had nothing.
I do not go after or look for confrontation ever. But when it was brought to me, I stood up for myself as I have in the past. When we stand up, with the truth and do NOT allow others to bully us, we win.
I am an old broad. I am no one special. But I learned as a young teenager, not to be bullied ever.
We have to do this anons. We cannot allow anyone to push us around and try to intimidate us ever.
kinda long, too many words, but… it pissed me off.