Anonymous ID: f7b58b July 6, 2020, 3:37 p.m. No.9877632   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7820

We were on near complete lockdown for weeks and every day Cuomo tells us " the apex is coming"

The apex came and went while we had essential workers not wearing face masks.

travel was canceled for non essential.

Deaths climbed daily for weeks.

We now have deaths lower than before the word apex was screamed in our ears..

Why are we ramping up scare tactics? face masks being pseudo ordered by R Governors ( or are they being ordered by health dept of states and signed by Govs? )

Spouse's work just got put on lock down for ALL travel and is an absolute essential ( medical supply ) business. They have been on travel restrictions for non essential travel until today. Now no travel period!

POTUS talking about low death totals and saying students must return to school in the Fall.

Some states usually start back to school early next month so calling for fall doesn't make sense for those states .

POTUS is painting a story that matches the data I see with my own eyes, but actions of everyone in power, R Govs included, paint a different story.

If we were to face the worst we will see once the freaking apex gets here, why now are extreme measures being mandated on a large scale?

I can't say much about other States but TN has a Gov EO that exempts many types of people for different reasons but more interesting, locations. State Government buildings, churches, schools. The only buildings required for masks are commercial with language that says otherwise open to the public.

County health dept are putting out the orders signed in support by Mayors.

This is odd to me that only if you want to buy or sell are you subject to the mask requirement and the stores do not provide masks.

Health depts have authority to shut you down if you violate health codes.That is why they have power over businesses open to the public.

State Buildings being exempt shows the State knows such orders are unconstitutional. Your Government cannot enforce such a law in their buildings or it is treason against the constitution.

Churches that have kitchens are under the authority of the Health dept due to the kitchens. Many have gathering rooms for events and food service. The only thing that makes sense to me to exempt them would be that they fight back in Court and so far win.

What doesn't make sense to me about exempting churches is the SC already ruled that you cannot single out churches and treat them differently than commercial businesses.

Exempting churches while holding commercial businesses to this mask requirement is treating them differently.

I am getting whiplash trying to make sense of these orders and actions.


Are we looking at a "set the table" for POTUS to step in on this BS and R Govs are tossing up the alley-oop?


If only commercial business is affected and churches cannot be held to a different, this is an interference in interstate commerce clause that has already been in part rejected by SC as it relates to churches.

How does this interfere with interstate commerce?

Let's count the ways

Trucking industry shrinkage of supplying goods due to loss of interest

Gas tax shrinkage due to artificial suppression of engaging in travel to purchase

Vacation travel out of State


Many more but all of this suppression leads to lower employment tax collection.

WTF is going on? None of this makes sense to me. I must be overlooking something obvious to everyone else.

R Governors are writing EO's that look like Word Salads with wilted lettuce so that must be part of some equation