Anonymous ID: 63b995 July 6, 2020, 4:18 p.m. No.9878010   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8050

it came from china - Donald John Trump


christianity- dragon is a symbol of satan

chinese culture- dragon is good


christianity- 666 is the number of the devil

chinese culture- 666 is a lucky number


*the 5 elements in chinese cosmology are in the shape of a pentagram. they are also the same 5 elements in western witchcraft.


*feng shui teaches the arrangement of objects to invoke good energy. in witchcraft, objects must be arranged in a set pattern to invoke a spirit


christianity- God has a will, we must accept the final answer

chinese culture- we can do things to change the future (fortune telling, spirit mediums, feng shui, "yang shiao gwei" and other forms of witchcraft)


christianity- the love of money is the root of not love money.

chinese culture- love money. pray to gods with the primary purpose of getting money


christianity- there is only one God. we are to serve Him

chinese culture- i am a god. the temple deities serve me and my whims.


christianity- honor your father and mother but do not worship them

chinese culture- worship your father and mother as gods when they die


christianity- my body was given to me by God. it is His temple

chinese culture- my body comes from my parents.i should use it for them, even prostitute myself by marrying for a greencard.


christianity- think for yourself, make your own decision

chinese culture- follow others blindly


christianity- love your neighbor as yourself

chinese culture- love the self.


christianity- be honest in all your dealings

chinese culture- it's ok to cheat in business. all is fair


christianity- forgive your enemies,pray for those that despitefully use you

chinese culture- retribution. face is everything


christianity- consider your own sins, think about what you do to others

chinese culture- i can wrong you, but don't dare wrong me and my face


christianity- ritual is not important. the heart is

chinese culture- the heart is not important , just do the ritual


christianity- it is more blessed to give than to recieve

chinese culture- take all you can


christianity- people are handicapped thru no fault of their own

chinese culture- it's their karma.they did something in thier past life


christianity- God created the earth in 7 days and said each one was good

chinese culture- some days are evil. some days are lucky.


christianity- walk by faith. trust God for what we don't know

chinese culture- try to find out the future. eveything depends on me and luck


christianity- God loves us

chinese culture- the gods are angry. they need constant feeding or bad things will happen

Anonymous ID: 63b995 July 6, 2020, 4:31 p.m. No.9878151   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8203


> just as guilty


Reddit continued to ban accounts discussing pizzagate after she knew. She's culpable as an accomplice for international child sex trafficking

the bitch will rot her life out in a prison cell

Anonymous ID: 63b995 July 6, 2020, 4:57 p.m. No.9878389   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8431 >>8435


Not that I'm interested in helping your cause, but wouldn't it fair better for your tribe to push the division between the ghetto jews and the Americanized Jews, which is and has been a reality for a very long time, as opposed to pretending the world doesn't hate jews?

Just in case you're living in a state of delusion, the world is really going to hate jews once they know what Q team is going to release. I just think it would be time to change tactics. I know for a fact that about 1 in 5 Jews want nothing to do with the other 80%'s doing.

Anonymous ID: 63b995 July 6, 2020, 5:09 p.m. No.9878486   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8573


>I'm in fact a genius.

You're absolutely not if you can't see 1000's of jewish names about to be plastered on the headlines behind the already accumulating names at present.

China is imploding. Russia kicked you out. Nobody wants you and you're going to be trapped in a little box in a desert surrounded by people that hate your guts worse than any Westerner ever could.


You might want to rethink your gameplan.

Anonymous ID: 63b995 July 6, 2020, 5:21 p.m. No.9878606   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I remember that day in Bridgeport.

They had forgot to ship water, so we only had pineapple juice to drink for a week.

I went back and had a gf test the theory

apparently it's bullshit.

Anonymous ID: 63b995 July 6, 2020, 5:29 p.m. No.9878687   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> basically the Protocols of Zion.

Not basically, is.

They wrote it.


The term, before WWII was "Oriental Jew"

Why that was done away with is easy enough to figure out.

Doesn't matter now, the entire organization is crumbling.

It's absolutely glorious!