it came from china - Donald John Trump
christianity- dragon is a symbol of satan
chinese culture- dragon is good
christianity- 666 is the number of the devil
chinese culture- 666 is a lucky number
*the 5 elements in chinese cosmology are in the shape of a pentagram. they are also the same 5 elements in western witchcraft.
*feng shui teaches the arrangement of objects to invoke good energy. in witchcraft, objects must be arranged in a set pattern to invoke a spirit
christianity- God has a will, we must accept the final answer
chinese culture- we can do things to change the future (fortune telling, spirit mediums, feng shui, "yang shiao gwei" and other forms of witchcraft)
christianity- the love of money is the root of not love money.
chinese culture- love money. pray to gods with the primary purpose of getting money
christianity- there is only one God. we are to serve Him
chinese culture- i am a god. the temple deities serve me and my whims.
christianity- honor your father and mother but do not worship them
chinese culture- worship your father and mother as gods when they die
christianity- my body was given to me by God. it is His temple
chinese culture- my body comes from my parents.i should use it for them, even prostitute myself by marrying for a greencard.
christianity- think for yourself, make your own decision
chinese culture- follow others blindly
christianity- love your neighbor as yourself
chinese culture- love the self.
christianity- be honest in all your dealings
chinese culture- it's ok to cheat in business. all is fair
christianity- forgive your enemies,pray for those that despitefully use you
chinese culture- retribution. face is everything
christianity- consider your own sins, think about what you do to others
chinese culture- i can wrong you, but don't dare wrong me and my face
christianity- ritual is not important. the heart is
chinese culture- the heart is not important , just do the ritual
christianity- it is more blessed to give than to recieve
chinese culture- take all you can
christianity- people are handicapped thru no fault of their own
chinese culture- it's their karma.they did something in thier past life
christianity- God created the earth in 7 days and said each one was good
chinese culture- some days are evil. some days are lucky.
christianity- walk by faith. trust God for what we don't know
chinese culture- try to find out the future. eveything depends on me and luck
christianity- God loves us
chinese culture- the gods are angry. they need constant feeding or bad things will happen