He's not Catholic. He's a stupid Anglican!
He's not Catholic, low IQ!
He's from the cruds who sold out Christ so that their king could marry a whore.
He IS an Apostate, low IQ! That guy isn't a member of the True Church. Neither are you apparently.
Seek spiritual help, loser!
Anglicans are Catholic, low IQ Muzzie!
Sorry you're so stupid, but that's considered normal for your ilk.
Jealous much, Jew?
I don't agree with the Pope, but I know now that you're a devil worshipper.
Go be a Jew somewhere else, low IQ
Sorry, faggot. Just because we don't accept your degenerate lifestyle doesn't mean you have to be butthurt.
Sorry Christ won't cure your hiv, degenerate.
Jealous much, faggot? LOL LOL
Q didn't post the made-up ending to the Lord's Prayer that the devil worshippers use.
Q's Catholic.
Sorry you're so jealous, low IQ!