Or "Fuck offyou little bossy cunt" usually works well too. Or at least something along those lines
He's still looking it up and trying to make a simple post out of it
I can't stand these little faggots that think because they read something they are the fucking be all end all know it all on the subject…
Some of us do stuff in this field everyday, and understand what's actually going on.
The gall of these faggots……
It's a hard call seeing as how many anons are tards. Not most, but to pretend there arent a ton would be lying. Im just glad the majority seem to stay on twitter, even if it doesnt help the image.
That anon finds it attractive so he decides to make a dumb rule for everyone else to try to hide his feelings. It's sad, but oh well.
Liberal and leftie are two different things. Have you not seen a ton walk away from the lefty morons? whos to say she wouldnt have, save for your judgemental ass
Anyone have sauce for this? Ill take look, but be nice if it was already up somwhere
oh idgaf either, but i hate morons acting like they know exactly what would have happened.
No its not. Get a pc, faggot
Krassentard, is that you…?
Honestly working fine on my end