Anonymous ID: 0fabb1 July 6, 2020, 7:18 p.m. No.9879648   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Your attacks on all Jews is ONLY meant to trick/deceive newfags into falsely believing Qanons are 'anti-semitic', 'nazis', 'extreme far right fascists' and all the rest of the tropes you hope to trigger and extract out of them when they see what you're writing here, so that they will go after your biggest threat: Q/Q+/anons/autists who are exposing the criminals on 8kun.

Your code has been cracked.

What happens when the people no longer believe the 4am talking point fake news that divides?

Does the 'human shield' population increase or decrease in size?

What happens when the people UNITE WORLDWIDE?

What becomes visible?
