Anonymous ID: 4a21cc July 6, 2020, 8:07 p.m. No.9880134   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0259

A contagious novel coronavirus may have very little to do with the massive deaths of medically fragile patients in nursing homes, imo. Some time ago I picked up a copy of a book about the crisis in American nursing homes.


If you load many fragile patients into homes that are already short on staff and deny family visits, I think deaths would be inevitable. Flu shots increase the risk of some types of respiratory illnesses such as coronavirus. Staff and residents of nursing homes receive flu shots every year.

Anonymous ID: 4a21cc July 6, 2020, 8:23 p.m. No.9880266   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"#12643 posted in #12644

>>9878860 (pb) New York hospitals released more than 6,300 recovering coronavirus patients into nursing homes"


I don't think much of the "coronavirus" scamdemic. I wonder how many people are dying from isolation and neglect rather than any contagious illness at all. When patients with excessive needs for medical care are forced into nursing homes, the stressed overworked staff are very likely to be unable to meet even basic needs of their patients. When family members are excluded the level of care is bound to fall even further.


Also, media reports of patients developing delirium ("Help, they are trying to kill me!") may be to suppress the truth that people who could survive their illness are being forced onto ventilators or otherwise mistreated and they are attempting to resist.