Anonymous ID: 4b972d July 6, 2020, 8:09 p.m. No.9880153   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0179

Dr. on Laura Ingram show just said "Dr. Fauci is laying crape" in what he is saying about covid.


Such an odd term. I looked it up. The short of it means giving a "dismal prognosis" early to prepare family/people for death.


Crape comes from people who cut/prune Crape Myrtles bushes/ trees, before it is time, so the Crape Myrtle dies. You can't prune as soon as it finishes blooming because it gathers all its ability to make food by having the sun on leaves until the leaves are brown.


So Fauci knows more and more people are going die, and is preparing people for Covid to be deadly. Is he a fortune teller? Or knows something we don't.


It is clear Hydroxychloroquine with zinc does many times cure people quickly BUT USA physicians will not use it.


This is malpractice. This is murder.

"Do no harm" is the oath taken by Drs. They are absolutely breaking their medical oath.

Anonymous ID: 4b972d July 6, 2020, 8:22 p.m. No.9880256   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0296

My college son talked to my husband and me yesterday.


He told us about the "fact" that Trump sold a racist baseball called the 88 baseball that was black with read thread and Trump in read. He informs me that 88 is a neo-nazi term — news to me.


I research quickly Trump site sells five different baseballs with a variety of colors and one is medium gray with red thread. They sell for 88 dollars each.


Oh, how twisted people are to teach people this! "Do you think it is a consequence that something could be sold for $88 and a person did not know 88 became a neo-nazi term after the publication of 88 Precepts published by David Lane in 2017? Are most people aware the prisoners are currently using 14 and 88 as Neo-nazi White Supremacist?


How does a grey baseball with red thread become a black person?


It does for liberals.


Was it done on purpose to poke liberals and Neo-Nazis?


NYTimes and used the #88 in Trump bylines. They are associating subliminally 88 with POTUS.


It never ends.