>>9879231 (pb)
Re the Q post to look to the unseen people? Robert Maxwell was very much connected to the mind control research of Scientology. Scientology is in this ass deep. Many of the coms I saw in the leaked email were straight up scientology 101 IE the pool party email. Compare that to any Miscavaige speech.
L. Ron was CIA and the CIA has been using Scientology for years to embed agents into other countries, and the reverse is true. Scientology committed the largest at the time infiltration of the US government. called Operation Snow White. Scientology pioneered and perfected the blackmail techniques currently used by Maxwell and the CIA/MOSSAD. They trapped the son of the head of the IRS in Mexico with an "underaged in the US girl", filmed it and when David Miscavaige went into this meeting with the head of the IRS to try to get tax-free status (again) he played that tape and walked out with tax-free status after years of trying.
Also of note, and this is going to make you all rage against this..is that undercover nurse is a top level scientologist and she never would have been able to make that video without cult approval. They are not allowed to do ANYTHING without approval. So before you rage at me for this, look at Q's post warning about unseen actors and then remember this
the mantra of Scientology–is think for yourself.
Scientology is visible in ALL the protest videos as their perfected harassment technique are being implemented. See the 2016 umbrella man protest video which is when I first noticed it, then compare to squirrel buster techniques.
Scientology also has huge control over local PDs they own the LA sheriff when it was Beck. In Atlanta they were able to muster an entire unit of storm troopers to march on protestors banging their shields and grunting to intimidate them. If you protested Scientology and dared step off the sidewalk you would be arrested.
Stormtrooper video from Atlanta:
this is real power. STORM TROOPERS ..compare this to the INACTION of the police against current protestors who have zero issues being able to march in the streets. Have you seen ANY action against them such as in this video? People dancing, eating cake, holding signs and singing got stormtroopers.
The hidden hand here is Scientology. Maxwell / Hubbard, Epstein, gates, Lieber's mind control research that involved developing a virus sized battery/transmitter/receiver meant to be delivered as a vaccine payload right to the brain stem. I won't go into the rest of THE PLAN..but THIS is what Q is trying to say. Scientology-watch who you follow.
INB4 rage because everyone wants to believe undercover nurse.