Hey guys, I've been doing some looking around after reading the Hollywood Anon/Director Anon posts from half chan.
I started thinking about Hussein and Loretta Fuddy, and the SUBUD Cult that Hussein's mother, Ann was in with Fuddy in Seattle (or maybe it wasPortland–either way in the Pacific NW).
Anyway, the anon's posts on half chan kept mentioning Indonesia and CLONING and all sharing the same DNA from 1 man. How they all kinda look alike. Remember how that SUBUD leader, really LOOKED like BHO??
Well, I found an article by Mary Fanning and Alan Jones ( they are the ones that first broke the news about the whistleblower, Dennis Montgomery and the "HAMMER" the parallel server where they could unmask anybody without any paper trail. This was the system that compromised all the FISA judges. Anyway,
they also did a piece connecting the dots between SUBUD, the Weather Underground, MK ULtra/C_A, communist groups.
Very interesting connections among VIPs (imho).
Here is their article link
So I did some RE-digging on Subud. THEY ARE IN EVERY CITY that is Dem stronghold and may have a connection to the current riots (support, participants, arms, etc)
Here is the link for Subud USA where you can see all of the sites around the country are "hiding in plain site" inconspicous looking places.