Modern Mystery School: Another Globalist Sex Cult?
Came across this group while digging:
Anyone that's done some digging on the globalist cult will likely recognize the
term "mystery religion" from William Milton Cooper. This group is either
directly associated or pretty adept pretenders.
I've barely begun to dig on this, but already came across a couple of alarming
First pic related is the three "Lineage Holders":
''All lineages have main key holders, individuals who hold and anchor the
lineage on the planet and hold the authority to keep the door of the mystery
school open to those who seek the Light.''
Their names are:
Gudni Gudnason, Founder of the Modern Mystery School
Dave Lanyon
Hideto Nakagome
Below these three "Lineage Holders" is "The Council of Twelve":
Eiko Gudnason
Luisa Nakagome
Tsukiko Kimura
Maki Otani
Suzuki Kitamura
Yoda Asuza
Franca Lanyon
Kate Bartram-Brown
Rita van den Berg
Liza Rossi
Ann Donnelly
Theresa Bullard
Gudni Gudnason (AKA Gudni GED "Frater Ged" Gudnason) is one of the two founders
of Aurora Borealis Entertainment:
You can find images and videos of all kinds of celebrities on their website from
both the US and Japan, as well as Gudni and his yellow Maserati. Interestingly, the
CEO is Mika Aikawa (who is either a famous Japanese porn star or shares the
same name).
Out of the "Council of Twelve", you'll notice that they're all women and that
three of them are likely the wives of the three "lineage holders." Eiko
Gudnason is into fantasy fashion–there is some subtle symbolism here:
I did a little digging on Kate Bartram-Brown–she's the founder of "Mini Me
Yoga", among other things. The last pics related come from various associated
I've barely scratched the surface here, anons. Help me dig!