Anonymous ID: 1eb955 July 6, 2020, 9:06 p.m. No.9880619   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0749 >>0951 >>0988

Is Strzok Memo the Rosetta Stone of Obamagate?


So much happens so fast in a world with a 15-minute news cycle that it’s difficult for a journalist to stop and breathe, let alone ponder the meaning of the latest breathless reporting. As an example, it seems like it was months ago when the D.C. Court of Appeals ordered Judge Emmet Sullivan to dismiss the case against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, but it was actually less than two weeks ago. June 24 to be exact, but to Flynn it probably seems like forever. No word from Sullivan about whether he intends to follow the order of the senior court, or continue to stall in an effort to punish Lt. Gen. Flynn for his political crime of supporting President Trump. But based on his record so far, Sullivan can probably be counted on to drag his feet while thumbing his nose at justice. Whether it is the Flynn case, or the persecution of one-time Trump adviser Roger Stone for a procedural crime of lying before a malevolent Congress, the implicit reason behind all the over-the-top harassment almost seems to be to goad Trump into pardoning his much-maligned associates in order to create another fake news cycle as we head into the 2020 election. Nobody asks, “Did you see what that corrupt judge did? Or what the Democrat-worshiping DOJ did?” It’s always “Did you hear what that crazy bastard Trump did?”)


It doesn’t seem to matter to the mainstream media that evidence has mounted into the stratosphere that Trump has been right all along about his campaign being illegally surveilled by the Obama administration. It doesn’t matter that Trump survived a two-plus year investigation by a special counsel and was cleared of any kind of collusion with the Russians. The Democrats and their agents in the Deep State know that whatever they do to harass Trump will be treated as noble and patriotic by the corrupt media, and that whenever evidence surfaces of their criminal behavior it will be promptly buried again. Which brings us to the infamous handwritten notes by disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok about a White House meeting that surfaced in a recent filing in the Flynn case. Strzok had already earned a prominent place in the “Wish I Hadn’t Done That” Hall of Fame for his serial confession via text message of not just marital infidelity but also constitutional perfidy. But the half-page of notes released by Flynn’s defense team rises to the level of a history-altering “Oops!” Indeed, it could well be the Rosetta stone that allows us to penetrate the secrets of the anti-Trump conspiracy that stretched from the FBI to the CIA, the Justice Department and the White House.


What we know about the provenance of the notes comes from Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell, who said they were written by Strzok about a meeting that took place on Jan. 4, 2017. The only problem is that the cast of characters in the memo duplicates those who were in attendance at the White House on Jan. 5, 2017, to discuss how the Obama administration should proceed in its dealings with Flynn, who was accused of playing footsie with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak prior to assuming his official role as national security adviser. Attorney General William Barr has gone on the record (on the “Verdict With Ted Cruz” podcast) that the notes actually describe the Jan. 5 meeting. If so, the notes strongly contradict Susan Rice’s CYA “memo to self” where the Obama national security adviser recounts the Jan. 5 meeting and stresses three times that President Obama and his team were handling the Flynn investigation “by the book.” Methinks the lady doth protest too much, especially now that we have Strzok’s contemporaneous notes to contradict her memo, which suspiciously was written in the final minutes of the Obama administration as Donald Trump was being sworn in at the Capitol. From what we can tell, Strzok (unlike Rice) was not writing his memo to protect anyone. He seems to have merely jotted down some notes about what various participants in the meeting said, including President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Rice, Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and Strzok’s boss — FBI Director James Comey. Chances are, at this point Strzok had no idea his dirty laundry was going to be aired or that his role as a master of the universe was going to be toppled.


But to see the importance of these notes, we need to transcribe them from the cryptic handwritten notes. Words and phrases that are outright guesses are reproduced in brackets. Speakers are noted at the beginning of each line. “NSA” stands for Rice. “D” stands for Comey. “DAG” stands for Yates. “VP” stands for Biden. “P” stands for Obama. “Cuts” is said to refer to summaries of phone calls monitored under a FISA warrant to collect foreign intelligence.

Anonymous ID: 1eb955 July 6, 2020, 9:15 p.m. No.9880698   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How sweet the sound: 'Amazing Grace' writer overcame a racist past


You've likely heard the famous hymn "Amazing Grace." People the world over love the song. It's been sung at countless memorial services, civil rights events, and churches. Recently, people in 50 different coronavirus-affected nations sang it together in an inspiring video: "Amazing grace! How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found, was blind but now I see." The writer of these words helped to abolish the slave trade, but were you aware of his racist past? I thought for a long time that I knew his real story, but I didn't. It holds valuable lessons for today's racial turmoil.


John Newton was an 18th-century British slave trader who had a dramatic faith experience during a storm at sea. He eventually left the slave trade, became a pastor, and wrote hymns, but there are some surprising twists: Newton only became a slave ship captain after finding faith in Jesus. And he left slave trading not for spiritual reasons but for health. Consider the rest of the story. A self-described "free-thinking" rationalist, Newton negotiated with African chiefs to obtain slaves and even raped female slaves. He called himself a terrible "blasphemer" and embraced his self-identification as one who rejected God completely. But then, as Forrest Gump might say, God showed up. A violent storm flooded his ship with water. Fearing for his life, he soon "began to think of … Jesus whom I had so often derided … of His life and of His death … for sins not His own, but for those who in their distress should put their trust in Him." In the coming days, he became convinced that Jesus's message was true. "I was no longer an atheist," he wrote. "I was sincerely touched with a sense of undeserved mercy in being brought safe through so many dangers. … I was a new man."


Yet Newton saw no immediate conflict between slavery and his new beliefs. As a slave ship captain, he even held onboard Sunday worship services for his crew. Newton was still a work in progress. Slavery was generally accepted as a pillar of the British economy, and for many years, few spoke against it. Newton biographer Jonathan Aitken observes that in 1751, Newton's spiritual conscience "was at least 20 years away from waking up to the realization that the Christian gospel and human slavery were irreconcilable." A mysterious illness eventually ended his seafaring career. He then became a pastor and significantly influenced a young member of Parliament, who would go on help rescue an exploited people and a nation's moral conscience. That man was William Wilberforce. A rising political star, Wilberforce considered leaving Parliament for the ministry. In 1785, he sought counsel from Newton, who advised Wilberforce to remain in Parliament and became his mentor. An arduous 20-year effort to abolish the slave trade ensued.


In 1788, Newton declared in his widely circulated pamphlet, Thoughts Upon the African Slave Trade, "I hope it will always be a subject of humiliating reflection to me that I was once an active instrument in a business at which my heart now shudders." Abolitionists sent copies to all members of Parliament. Newton testified before important parliamentary committees describing chains, overcrowded quarters, separated families, sexual exploitation, flogging, beating, and butchering. The slaver, once blind to his own moral hypocrisy, now could see. Aitken says of it all, "Newton's testimony was of vital importance in converting public opinion to the abolitionist cause." In early 1807, Britain outlawed the slave trade. Following Newton's death on December 21 of that year, his gravestone bore his self-written epitaph: "John Newton: Once an infidel and libertine, a servant of slaves in Africa was by the rich mercy of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ preserved, restored, pardoned and appointed to preach the faith he had long laboured to destroy."


As for today's racial struggles, the implications of Newton's life are numerous: Racist laws and practices can be changed; faith, properly applied, can help significantly; moral maturation takes time; people have blind spots; humility helps. Ultimately, we are all works in progress.

Anonymous ID: 1eb955 July 6, 2020, 9:26 p.m. No.9880796   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Agreed, they keep losing on those they want to make examples of, rather than going after the actual criminals, oh wait, that would mean they would have to arrests themselves. I am all for getting rid of them completely..our tax dollars could go further to pursue worthy things we actually need, rather than trying to make shit up to keep someone on a paycheck.

Anonymous ID: 1eb955 July 6, 2020, 9:40 p.m. No.9880912   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Anon the convo is between you and God..just you and God, talk just as you would to a friend or confidant. God knows all of us, remember those he stood up for when Jesus walked the earth..those who were cast off by the rest of society, Jesus spoke up for them. We are human, we all have sinned he knows this, you just need to acknowledge your sins to him and work to live to be the person you desire to be.

Anonymous ID: 1eb955 July 6, 2020, 9:45 p.m. No.9880955   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Interesting anon..collection of stolen funds being returned, chains being removed, economy being revived. People no longer slaves to taxes and debt.