Anonymous ID: 26fdd6 July 6, 2020, 8:59 p.m. No.9880562   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0579

#12645 @275

>>9880210 DJT Jr. twat: Misspells forth as fourth.

>>9879585 lb, >>9879632 lb, >>9880409 Bill Binney & Jason Sullivan challenge @Jack in letter

>>9880356 Sheriff: at least 8 killed in plane Collision in Idaho

>>9880417, >>9880432 Is 'The Ellen DeGeneres Show' Being Canceled?

>>9880435 Followup on Biden donors post from lb

>>9880438 N.Korea again rules out dialogue with the US

>>9880446 Reuters says "U.S. pandemic aid program saved 51.1 million jobs but wealthy and connected also benefited" (always a twist)

>>9880500 Jim Jordan asks former US attorney to counter Mueller prosecutor's 'double-hearsay statements'


anything missing so far?

baker didn't get a chance to read pb notes so lemme know if you see dups

tx anons

Anonymous ID: 26fdd6 July 6, 2020, 9:03 p.m. No.9880596   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>MC Foundation

Seems like their name came up when Jim Watkins was talking about get messed around with by Network Solutions and its parent co…..didn't the roots trace back to MC or MC Foundation? Should be plenty in

Anonymous ID: 26fdd6 July 6, 2020, 9:21 p.m. No.9880749   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#12645 @450

>>9880210 DJT Jr. twat: Misspells forth as fourth.

>>9880409 Bill Binney & Jason Sullivan challenge @Jack in letter

>>9880356 Sheriff: at least 8 killed in plane Collision in Idaho

>>9880417, >>9880432 Is 'The Ellen DeGeneres Show' Being Canceled?

>>9880435 Followup on Biden donors post from lb

>>9880438 N.Korea again rules out dialogue with the US

>>9880446 Reuters says "U.S. pandemic aid program saved 51.1 million jobs but wealthy and connected also benefited" (always a twist)

>>9880500 Jim Jordan asks former US attorney to counter Mueller prosecutor's 'double-hearsay statements'

>>9880558 Mastercard Foundation sold: $122.69mil June 23-July 2

>>9880600 #US House Appropriations Subcmte voted on a bill which will provide $3.3 billion in aid for #Israel security

>>9880619 Is Strzok Memo the Rosetta Stone of Obamagate?

>>9880639 Anon on overstated claim in pb notable that Fauci "approved HCQ 15 years ago"

>>9880648 Planefags aloft

>>9880676 Grassley: ‘The Deep State Is so Deep Its People Get Away with Political Crimes’

>>9880687 Fitton: You saw the movie (American Made with Tom Cruise), now read the report: Mena Uncovered….

>>9880701 WAPO: Washington and Lee Univ must change its name bc Washington “perpetrated racial terror”

>>9880708 Two Charged in Panamanian Money Laundering Scheme

Anonymous ID: 26fdd6 July 6, 2020, 9:29 p.m. No.9880814   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0876


well i'll tell ya:

  1. i didn't bake last bred

  2. you shit the bred then yelled at baker, you arrogant prick

  3. looked kind muh jooish to me

  4. you're continuing to act like a faggot


Any other questions?

Anonymous ID: 26fdd6 July 6, 2020, 9:30 p.m. No.9880826   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9880809 Oswego Lake Country Club golf pro Sean Fredrickson and his 3 children killed in plane crash at Idaho lake


Lake Oswego -

VERY nice area just south of Ptld….

Anonymous ID: 26fdd6 July 6, 2020, 9:41 p.m. No.9880916   🗄️.is 🔗kun


yes, i messed up on that, sorry

but you're still acting like a faggot

i did look at the post

but can't check out the details of a bun from pb

i post plenty of digs that don't get notabled

try another baker later

what's what the rest of us diggers do

Anonymous ID: 26fdd6 July 6, 2020, 9:44 p.m. No.9880951   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>9880210 DJT Jr. twat: Misspells forth as fourth.

>>9880409 Bill Binney & Jason Sullivan challenge @Jack in letter

>>9880356 Sheriff: at least 8 killed in plane collision in Idaho

>>9880809 Oswego Lake Country Club golf pro Sean Fredrickson and his 3 children killed in plane crash at Idaho lake

>>9880417, >>9880432 Is 'The Ellen DeGeneres Show' Being Canceled?

>>9880435 Followup on Biden donors post from lb

>>9880438 N.Korea again rules out dialogue with the US

>>9880446 Reuters says "U.S. pandemic aid program saved 51.1 million jobs but wealthy and connected also benefited" (always a twist)

>>9880500 Jim Jordan asks former US attorney to counter Mueller prosecutor's 'double-hearsay statements'

>>9880558 Mastercard Foundation sold: $122.69mil June 23-July 2

>>9880600 #US House Appropriations Subcmte voted on a bill which will provide $3.3 billion in aid for #Israel security

>>9880619 Is Strzok Memo the Rosetta Stone of Obamagate?

>>9880639 Anon on overstated claim in pb notable that Fauci "approved HCQ 15 years ago"

>>9880648 Planefags aloft

>>9880676 Grassley: ‘The Deep State Is so Deep Its People Get Away with Political Crimes’

>>9880687 Fitton: You saw the movie (American Made with Tom Cruise), now read the report: Mena Uncovered….

>>9880701 WAPO: Washington and Lee Univ must change its name bc Washington “perpetrated racial terror”

>>9880708, >>9880777 Two Charged in Panamanian Money Laundering Scheme

>>9880774 Former Reddit CEO admits they knew all about Epstein/Maxwell for years, invited them to parties anyways

>>9880791 Trade Group for Koch, GM Asks Trump for More Foreign Workers

>>9880820 CV-19 "expert" claims Americans will be wearing masks for 'several years'

>>9880833 Ghislaine Maxwell + David Wassong, managing director of Soros Fund Mgmt LLC

>>9880882 De Blasio blames CV for city's violence but his own top cop blames HIM

>>9880920 Misleading article re Church

gatherings and HCQ until very bottom



Anonymous ID: 26fdd6 July 6, 2020, 9:49 p.m. No.9880988   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>9880210 DJT Jr. twat: Misspells forth as fourth.

>>9880409 Bill Binney & Jason Sullivan challenge @Jack in letter

>>9880356 Sheriff: at least 8 killed in plane collision in Idaho

>>9880809 Oswego Lake Country Club golf pro Sean Fredrickson and his 3 children killed in plane crash at Idaho lake

>>9880417, >>9880432 Is 'The Ellen DeGeneres Show' Being Canceled?

>>9880435 Followup on Biden donors post from lb

>>9880438 N.Korea again rules out dialogue with the US

>>9880446 Reuters says "U.S. pandemic aid program saved 51.1 million jobs but wealthy and connected also benefited" (always a twist)

>>9880500 Jim Jordan asks former US attorney to counter Mueller prosecutor's 'double-hearsay statements'

>>9880558 Mastercard Foundation sold: $122.69mil June 23-July 2

>>9880600 #US House Appropriations Subcmte voted on a bill which will provide $3.3 billion in aid for #Israel security

>>9880619 Is Strzok Memo the Rosetta Stone of Obamagate?

>>9880639 Anon on overstated claim in pb notable that Fauci "approved HCQ 15 years ago"

>>9880648 Planefags aloft

>>9880676, >>9880853, >>9880941 Grassley: ‘The Deep State Is so Deep Its People Get Away with Political Crimes’

>>9880687 Fitton: You saw the movie (American Made with Tom Cruise), now read the report: Mena Uncovered….

>>9880701 WAPO: Washington and Lee Univ must change its name bc Washington “perpetrated racial terror”

>>9880708, >>9880777 Two Charged in Panamanian Money Laundering Scheme

>>9880774, >>9880958 Former Reddit CEO admits they knew all about Epstein/Maxwell for years, invited them to parties anyways

>>9880791 Trade Group for Koch, GM Asks Trump for More Foreign Workers

>>9880820 CV-19 "expert" claims Americans will be wearing masks for 'several years'

>>9880833 Ghislaine Maxwell + David Wassong, managing director of Soros Fund Mgmt LLC

>>9880882 De Blasio blames CV for city's violence but his own top cop blames HIM

>>9880920 Misleading article re Church gatherings and HCQ until very bottom