Remember, Patriots.
Don’t cave to them.
You are not alone.
You can make a profound difference.
When you are in Combat; far from the target; there is rarely a shot fired against you.
When you are (Air Force term ) “on the Run In, to the OA” (Objective Area) that is when you know you are in the right area… SAM shots, AAA gunfire…everything the Adversary has, comes at you. Not solely to destroy, but often, simply attempt to distract you off target.
Distraction can lead to mission failure, as much as Destruction.
But, you are a warrior, you have trained your whole life for this moment, and you are on the Run In.
You are on the Run In, and you have Top Cover. People, Prayers, Angels, the Earth itself is a witness to your Courage. You will not die 1000 deaths; you will taste of death but once. The Top Cover overhead are like F15 Strike Eagles. You can’t see them, can’t hear them at 45,000ft; but the Eagles are there, and they will “Cry ‘Havok’ and loose the Dogs of War;” not now, but at the right time. To defeat the adversary when their tools, at their disposal, are the most effective. Not on your desires, not on your timing; but on moment when they know their weapons are the most effective; to protect you. ‘For the weapons of our warfare are divinely powered, for the destruction of fortresses.’
The spines of thousands are being strengthened, by hearing of your fight.
You are NOT ALONE.
Where We Go 1 We Go All~