Says the numberphile. Gfy.
Easy with the anti-semitism!
Post your tits complete with timestamp and bread number. I seen't it work!
Your dodged a furnace or a coat hanger? Which one?
You're not a hunter are you? Just stop already you dumb cunt. I add more than you ever will, which may not be a lot, but certainly more than your useless numberphile/gematria "muh corona is a six letter word which adds up to the devil digits" work ever will. Fuck off Karen.
Idgaf that's funny…
Damn Epstein had a tunnel from France that leads to liddle St.James? AMAAAZIN!
Naaaw. Come now we all know they'll be Q supporters by the morning. Fuk'n msm. I can't wait for the hammer to get dropped.
That was glorious!
Yes exactly. And a drought it was.
Ikr, like the ones that still have their guns?
Love Mr Watkins, no brohomo. He didn't have to fight like he did to provide the reasons of all these glorious kun breads, but boy did he fight! Thank you Mr Watkins! I usually catch an his live streams. I'm glad he once again stuck his neck out reading that letter. Great man.
Dunno why the video didn't attach.
When are those dirty kikes never not out in force? All day every fuk'n day. 110 or bust.