They gathered around him
there among the tools the grease
and the crates
they gathered to hear
to see to feel to know that
it was real he was real
not just some story on
the silver screen
they both wanted to
hear the stories of bravery
and the details
of what it was like
the fear in the trenches
sweating and wondering
if you'd ever make it home
if you'd ever see your family
your wife your child
your mom your dad
your brothers and sisters
and cousins and friends
if you'd ever again stand
on the diamond where
you once played ball
ever sit in the stands
and eat a hotdog again
ever take your girl to
a movie and in the dark
hold her
touch her
kiss her
ever slide into a booth
at the old diner and
eat a burger and fries
with friends
ever again
instead you held
your cross and prayed
prayed like you'd never prayed
before this day this hour
this moment
once long ago
there had been time
lots of time
and dreams
dreams of places you'd go
things you'd do
a life you would live
but now there were
only moments
fragments of moments
as each bullet whizzed by
each bomb shook the earth
each friend keeled over
never to be heard from again
no more bad jokes
no more bummed cigarettes
no more anything
just you looking at the crinkled photo
of your girl stuffed in your helmet
the girl the home the place
you're fighting to defend
and longing to see again <3
~ poem "A Hero's Return" by Michael Traveler, author/poet