If you look at the penalties though. It would be a small price for a patriot to pay in a national crisis. Which, of course, is the whole reason for the Electoral College in the first place. Is it not?
It won't matter much longer. Thank God.
I have chosen self discernment as opposed to walking down the carnival midway.
It happened over twenty years ago. Where have you been?
Shut up and sing.
Anon is fully expecting another CD news event incoming.
That's the second time in less than a day that I have seen that excuse posted here. If it is big then archive before you do anything else. I thought we had been over this already?
George Webb's reporting is like a train that is always behind schedule and when it arrives at the station then you will find that you are two states over from your destination.
Thank you for showing up Director Wray!
Fox hunt? We see you.
You give me assurance in that you have an interest in books. o7 Anon.
Makes perfect sense. 5:5 o7
FBI Director Wray just laid it all out. For those anons who were paying attention.