Lower Vitamin D → Higher incidence of covid
Holy shit.
Scot Adams is a friggin' genius.
Lower Vitamin D → Higher incidence of covid
Holy shit.
Scot Adams is a friggin' genius.
How would one know if one was shadowbanned on twitter? Asking, etc.
Cabal's been cloning this Indonesian cult leader/shaman/enlightened one for decades.
His clones run countries.
Including ours.
Subud is Person 1.
Two clones from the same jar.
Yeah, Brits call their women birds.
Straight up Hussein to me. Lean, vegan looking, motherfucker behind the scenes, articulate. Oh, and is running Netflix.
>If America Is So Racist, Why Are There So Many Race Hoaxes?
Also, why is being called a racist such a livelihood killer, if we're a racist country? Wouldn't it be a badge of honor?
People are not spending on credit. That's good. Debtor is slave to the Lender.
Hype the Vitamin D. That seems to be the key. The worst effected people had the lowest Vitamin D levels.
Excellent post.
There are more important things at stake than "Your Best Life Now".
Because logically speaking, if you're having your best life now, you're going to hell.
Because no matter how bad your life sucks, hell is infinitely worse.
And nobody can, or will, ever build a better life now than the life they have in heaven.
Stay away from snake oil salesman and prosperity pastors. Same thing.