Anonymous ID: e43a8a July 7, 2020, 1:47 p.m. No.9887257   🗄️.is 🔗kun

My midwestern small city, a big college town is likely to issue a "mask order" if they haven't already. Rumor says it will start 7/10. This is flipping hilarious. I have already been driving through nearby small towns looking for small shops to frequent instead of "mask only" ones in my city. I also have a good on-line merchant that sells the type of health food I like. America is home to vastly too much "commercial" real estate. Not sure what the property taxes look like on that, but in any case, I predict a free fall in the value of such locations in "blue zones" (Democrat controlled districts). When people can't make money with their local businesses they find it hard to pay rent and mortgages. Bye, bye home values, bye bye "property taxes"!


It is almost funny to watch. The complete implosion of places run by the Democrat "machine". Not only might Joe Biden have dementia, his "campaign" (COVID fear mongering and Antifa/BLM violence) is "terminal".