Anonymous ID: f2ee05 July 7, 2020, 11:54 a.m. No.9885980   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9884167 LB

>>9884167 LB


This meme needs to be corrected I think.

The right side of the pic says "Organic Corn".

That means you are comparing GMO Corn to Organic Corn, NOT Non-GMO Corn.

This is very misleading.

The problem is that we don't grow Non-GMo Yellow Corn anymore in the U.S. If we do it's very small, local farmers. Nothing near what we would need.


Organic Corn is NOT Non-GMO Corn!!!


GMO - Genetically Modified Organism


Organic - Means no pesticides were used in the growth/farming of the organism. It has nothing to do with the organisms Genetic modification.


I've been hearing this A LOT lately (started a couple of years ago). Our food supply has been completely destroyed (ESPECIALLY DURING THE HUSSEIN ADMIN) with the infusion of Non-GMO products into every possible value added food product. Even in products that were grown and sold as "organic" and "Non-GMO" in many cases are forced to poison the food product with chemicals made from GMO product. Or sometimes it's in the packaging.


Anyway, please change the meme if you made it for use here in QResearch. We should be more careful and ACCURATE!! Not Deceiving!!