Anonymous ID: 7d7478 July 7, 2020, 9:19 a.m. No.9884543   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Some days I think that POTUS is playing the role of Moses.


We've been a captive herd for the Cabal to play with for centuries. They screw us, kill us, anything they like to get their kicks. Then along comes POTUS and says: "Let my people go."


So the Cabal release a fairly benign virus upon the world and forcibly lock us in our houses under house arrest. POTUS fights back behind the scenes and again asks the Cabal to: "Let my people go."


The Cabal respond by demanding we all wear muzzles.


Meanwhile, plagues start to fly. It's gonna end up biblical.


The next time POTUS asks nicely to "Let my people go," I wonder what batshit crazy method of confinement will be metered out next by the Cabal?

Anonymous ID: 7d7478 July 7, 2020, 9:24 a.m. No.9884572   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4598 >>4824


Before the rise of feminism, a man's wage was supposed to feed the family. That's why when women started taking part-time jobs, men got paid so much more. In fifty odd years we've gone from one person working bringing home enough $$$ to raise a family, to two people working multiple jobs, unable to make ends meet.


Feminism plays a large part in this.