Anonymous ID: 0a8245 July 7, 2020, 10:51 a.m. No.9885326   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5540 >>5805 >>5987

Former UK lawmaker Eric Joyce pleads guilty to making ‘indecent image’ of children as young as 12 MONTHS


Eric Joyce, a former shadow minister for the UK Labour Party, has pleaded guilty to a making an indecent image of children. The disgraced politician was ordered to sign the Sex Offenders Register and now faces prison time.


The former MP appeared in court on Tuesday and admitted making an indecent photograph in the form of a 51-second video. The clip “depicts a number of children,” Judge Emma Peters revealed.


“Some are quite young, one is said to be 12 months old – clearly a Category A movie,” she said.


Category A is the most severe class of indecent imagery, and can include penetrative sex, sadism, and sex with animals. Producing such material is punishable with imprisonment. The court stressed that it “takes such incidents very seriously” since they “fuel the abuse of children.”


According to the judge, the video was made at some point between 2013 and 2018, and Joyce claims that “he accessed it via an email which he says was a spam email.”


“At the time he was drinking heavily and he has now undergone work with the Lucy Faithfull Foundation and a psychotherapist,” the judge added.


The case against Joyce has been running since late 2018, when he was charged under the Protection of Children Act. It's the latest scandal in the turbulent career of the former army major turned politician.


Joyce served as MP for Falkirk in Scotland from 2000 to 2015. For the first 12 years, he was with Labour, before switching to being an independent for his final three. During his time in parliament, Joyce was involved in several incidents, including a pub brawl with four fellow politicians in Westminster. He was also convicted of drunk driving and abusing airport workers on several occasions.

Anonymous ID: 0a8245 July 7, 2020, 10:53 a.m. No.9885339   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Daily Coronavirus Deaths in U.S. Continue to Plummet as Confirmed Cases Hit Record Levels


Coronavirus-linked deaths across the U.S. continued on a downward trend as of Monday afternoon, even after the country hit historic levels in the number of new confirmed cases late last week, a Breitbart News analysis of the seven-day average of fatalities showed.


Health experts have warned about the lag between infection identification and death that could take weeks or more, which means the fatalities could increase down the road. The current spike in the number of cases intensified almost three weeks ago around mid-June.


A moving average of cases and deaths reported each day provides a clearer picture of the COVID-19 (coronavirus disease) pandemic because the daily numbers tend to fluctuate.


As of Monday, the seven-day average of deaths in the United States continued to plunge, according to data maintained by the COVID-Tracking Project, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington,, Worldometer, and even the New York Times.


Last Sunday (July 5), the U.S. recorded a historically low single-day number of fatalities (over 200), below any other day since late March, data from the COVID-Tracking Project showed, echoing figures by Worldometer.


Daily death data maintained by the Times, which tends to include higher figures, showed that the fatalities on Sunday (258) are at the very least the second-lowest since late March after the figures on June 21 (257).


There is a patchwork of guidelines across the United States for reporting deaths, with some states and databases reporting “probable” coronavirus fatalities, while others do not.


Daily U.S. death estimates for Sunday ranged from 209 (COVID Tracking Project) to 258 (NYT), depending on the source. The discrepancy is why several health analysts rely on the moving averages.


The low number of new deaths in recent weeks compared to the spike in cases suggests that more people are contracting coronavirus without succumbing to it, a development that is pushing the overall mortality rate — both the infection (true) and confirmed case (crude) figures — down.


As the figures stand now, the steady increase in the number of new COVID-19 cases reported each day does not parallel the deaths recorded daily.


Last week, the United States reported historic-high number of daily cases, setting a single-day world record for the most confirmed infections, several news outlets reported, citing the Johns Hopkins University coronavirus tracker.

Anonymous ID: 0a8245 July 7, 2020, 10:54 a.m. No.9885346   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5355 >>5540 >>5612 >>5614 >>5805 >>5987

Ben Shapiro Steps Down As The Daily Wire’s Editor-In-Chief


Conservative political commentator Ben Shapiro is stepping down as the editor-in-chief of The Daily Wire, The Blaze reported Monday.


Shapiro founded the site in 2015. The decision to step down comes as the company nears its five-year anniversary. Shapiro will remain a co-owner of The Daily Wire, according to The Blaze. John Bickley, a writer and editor who has been with the website since the beginning, will be taking over as editor-in-chief, The Blaze reported, citing the Wire’s co-CEO Jeremy Boreing.


The political commentator will be stepping into a new role as editor emeritus and will not be responsible for the website’s editorial direction.


“John Bickley isn’t just a tremendous editor and writer, he’s a principled conservative and an honest human being,” Shapiro said in a statement to The Blaze. “I can’t think of anyone better to take over as EIC, and I look forward to seeing the new, exciting editorial direction of the site.”


Bickley has been performing many of the editor-in-chief duties over the past two years and this move formalizes his role, according to Boreing.


The Wire’s new editor-in-chief has used the pseudonym “James Barrett” during his time at the website, according to The Blaze.

Anonymous ID: 0a8245 July 7, 2020, 10:55 a.m. No.9885360   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5396 >>5540 >>5654 >>5805 >>5987 >>6040

Human Rights Campaign Erases Biology in ‘Transgender Safer Sex’ Guide, Assigns ‘Vagina’ to Trans Women Exclusively



The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) effectively erased biological facts in its latest “Transgender Safer Sex” guide, redefining basic body parts and assigning “vagina” as a term used to describe the genitals of biological males who “have had bottom surgery.”


The HRC, in a “safer sex guide for transgender and gender expansive people,” redefined basic biological body parts under the guise of inclusivity, effectively stripping females of their own biology and assigning it to biological males.


The group’s blunt guide provided a list of words and provided its own definitions — definitions that do not coincide with biological fact. For instance, HRC defined “vagina” as a word used to “talk about the genitals of trans women who have had bottom surgery.” Yet, the HRC refused to use the same term for biological women, assigning them the term “front hole.” Similarly, HRC also redefined male genitalia, proclaiming that it could “belong to people of all genders.”


Definitions, per the guide, are as follows:


DICK: We use this word to describe external genitals. Dicks come in all shapes and sizes and can belong to people of all genders.


FRONT HOLE: We use this word to talk about internal genitals, sometimes referred to as a vagina. A front hole may self-lubricate, depending on age and hormones.


STRAPLESS: We use this word to describe the genitals of trans women who have not had genital reconstruction (or “bottom surgery”), sometimes referred to as a penis.


VAGINA: We use this word to talk about the genitals of trans women who have had bottom surgery


HRC’s definitions come as critics warn the transgender movement is moving to erase the reality of biological females, as was recently seen with the Merriam-Webster dictionary updating its definition of trans woman to “a woman who was identified as male at birth” and the widespread push to allow biological males to compete in female sports.


HRC has played a significant role in the 2020 election cycle, hosting a town hall event alongside CNN last year. It formally endorsed Joe Biden for president in May, describing him as the “the leader our community and our country need at this moment.”


“Far too many LGBTQ people, and particularly those who are most vulnerable, face discrimination, intimidation, and violence simply because of who they are and who they love. But rather than have our backs, Donald Trump and Mike Pence have spent the last three and a half years rolling back and rescinding protections for LGBTQ people,” HRC President Alphonso David said in a statement.


“Joe Biden will be a president who stands up for all of us,” David added. “HRC and our more than three million members and supporters will work day and night to ensure he is the next President of the United States.”

Anonymous ID: 0a8245 July 7, 2020, 10:56 a.m. No.9885370   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5399

Michigan Gov. Whitmer on Reopening: ‘I’m Not Going to Be Bullied into Moving Before It’s Safe’


After dialing back reopening right before the July 4 holiday, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) affirmed Tuesday on CNN’s “New Day” that she will not be “bullied” into reopening her state too quickly amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.


Whitmer said the state is going to continue to monitor the numbers, as Michigan has seen an uptick in cases in recent weeks during its phased-in reopening of the economy, but she stressed the state would not move to reopen “before it’s safe.”


“We, you know, have a phased-in re-engagement of our economy, and I had hoped to take the rest of the state to Phase 5, but we dialed it back right before the Fourth of July because we see these numbers increasing,” Whitmer advised. “So, not having bars that are serving indoors, that’s one thing. But, you know, we’re going to continue to monitor the numbers. If they keep moving up, we’re going to dial back if we have to. And that’s the last thing any of us wants. I’ve got to tell you, I want to re-engage this economy more than anyone, but I’m not going to do it if it is too risky to do so. And that’s why we’re seeing focus on the epidemiology. I’m not going to be bullied into moving before it’s safe. And if we have to move back, we’re going to.”

Anonymous ID: 0a8245 July 7, 2020, 10:59 a.m. No.9885392   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5439 >>5446 >>5540 >>5805 >>5987

Model Yolanda Hadid Denies Ghislaine Maxwell Hid Out At Her Home


Model Yolanda Hadid has denied any association with Ghislaine Maxwell following Maxwell’s arrest.


Hadid responded to author Hank van Ess on Twitter Saturday after he accused her of housing Maxwell while the FBI was actively looking for her. Hadid claimed van Ess had never reached out to her regarding the accusations he shared on Twitter.


“I do not know or have ever associated with Ghislane- the first time I have heard about her or any of this was watching the documentary, like the rest of the world, on Netflix — which became an in depth dinner conversation with my family in which we all discussed how it’s possible that this woman was not already in jail ..?!” Hadid tweeted in part.


“I have been strictly quarantined with my family, as my daughter is pregnant and is at high risk for catching the virus, and just learned in the past couple days, via the press- like everyone else, that GM was arrested in New Hampshire, which is multiple states away from where I live,” she added.


“So, I’m not sure how I have been brought into this narrative of yours, but I take these false claims very seriously,” she continued. “Please stop involving me. What that lady did is disturbing and she deserves to be in jail for a long time.”


As previously reported, Maxwell was arrested in New Hampshire on July 2. Maxwell has been accused of grooming underage girls for sexual relationships with the late billionaire Jeffrey Epstein.

Anonymous ID: 0a8245 July 7, 2020, 11:01 a.m. No.9885413   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5540 >>5805 >>5987

Police Investigation into Slave Labour in Coronavirus Hotspot Leicester


The National Crime Agency (NCA) is investigating concerns of human trafficking and slavery in Britain’s new coronavirus hotspot of Leicester, after claims that sweatshops paying less than half the minimum wage remained open during the lockdown in the multicultural city.


Leicester was the first region to go back into lockdown last week while the rest of the country opened up after reports of nearly 1,000 new COVID-19 cases in the city of 330,000. Local councillor Ratilal Govind in part blamed what he called a “language barrier” in immigrant communities for the misunderstanding of lockdown rules contributing to the rise, claiming that the government failed to produce enough literature on the outbreak in foreign languages.


“I have seen young people getting together, having a few drinks and conversation. They are just social gatherings. With these young people, there is a language barrier. They are speaking their own language, and I tell them to disperse in Gujarati. There is a lack of communication made worse by the language barriers,” Councillor Govind had said.


However, Conservative MP for North West Leicestershire Andrew Bridgen said another factor could have been that factories producing garments were reportedly staying open all throughout the lockdown, despite the government ordering non-essential businesses to close.


The issue of Leicester’s garment industries came to a head this weekend, with The Sunday Times revealed that not only were garment workers working during the lockdown, but they reportedly did so with little or no social distancing or personal protective equipment, and were paid as little as £3.50 an hour (the national minimum wage for adults over 25 is £8.72 an hour).


Home Secretary Priti Patel asked the NCA to investigate. Britain’s version of the FBI had visited several factories in the area, saying in a statement: “Within the last few days NCA officers, along with Leicestershire Police and other partner agencies, attended a number of business premises in the Leicester area to assess concerns of modern slavery and human trafficking.”


‘Language Barrier’ Partially Blamed for Coronavirus Surge in UK City Forced Back into Lockdown


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) July 1, 2020


Since April, politicians on both sides of the aisle, at local and national level, have been warning about “shuttered premises” continuing to be open during the height of the pandemic.


The Guardian reported last week that the virus appeared to have localised in some factories and workshops, some which the newspaper said may never have closed.


When Leicester went back into lockdown, Andrew Bridgen told Radio 5 Live that garment factories remained open when they should have closed. He said: “You have got a very large garment industry which should have locked down which my sources are telling me have worked for internet retailers who have been very busy during the lockdown and they have carried on working as well.”


However, Mr Bridgen MP has been warning since at least January about the conditions that garment workers are facing in Leicester. Calling working conditions “Leicester’s dirty secret”, the Tory MP told The Guardian in January: “These illegal businesses are not only keeping their workers in miserable conditions, they’re also undermining the marketplace for legitimate businesses to make a living in a very difficult market. I’ve seen the buildings where these workers are and it is shocking: the buildings are condemned – if there was a fire there then hundreds would die, and this is Britain in 2020. It’s a national shame.”


Police Investigate Human Trafficking, Slavery of Romanian Fruit Pickers


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) May 29, 2020

Anonymous ID: 0a8245 July 7, 2020, 11:02 a.m. No.9885424   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5434 >>5540 >>5805 >>5987

‘Price on your heads’: Aide to Venezuelan ‘president’ Guaido threatens journalists with FBI investigation over ‘Twitter hack’


Nothing says you represent an internationally recognized government like telling people who mock you on Twitter that the FBI is after them and that there is a “price” on their heads. Just ask Juan Guaido’s ‘ambassador’ to the UK.


Last Friday, the personal account of Vanessa Neumann, the Venezuelan businesswoman who serves as the representative of self-proclaimed ‘interim president’ Juan Guaido in Britain, posted a call for the death of the democratically elected Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.


Juan Guaido's UK representative @vanessaneumann just openly called for the death of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and hastily deleted it.

— John McEvoy (@jmcevoy_2) July 3, 2020


The now-deleted post in Spanish is obviously hardly befitting an envoy. The Guaido team says it was the result of a hacking attack, but it provided fresh fodder to those who are skeptical about the man and his bid to represent the people of Venezuela. Among such people were journalists John McEvoy, Camila Escalante and Pablo Navarrete, who called her out or didn’t quite buy the hacking excuse.


Neumann hit back at her critics on Sunday. Using the Twitter account belonging to her consultancy firm Asymmetrica, she claimed the journalists were in the crosshairs of the FBI and that there was a price on their heads.


We have highlighted to @FBIWFO@FBI that @camilateleSUR@pablonav1 and @jmcevoy_2 are part of the criminal conspiracy against @vanessaneumann, supporting @drodriven2. Thank you for the evidence. Welcome to the rule of law, guys.

— Asymmetrica (@Asymmetrica_) July 5, 2020


When you’re a part of an indicted transnational criminal network with a price on your head @venanalysis and @jmcevoy_2. Thanks for helping us nail you with the @FBIWFO@FBI

— Asymmetrica (@Asymmetrica_) July 5, 2020


This may seem like an overreaction by a thin-skinned member of a failed regime-change operation, but Neumann has an explanation for why the FBI should go after people who mock her online.


The journalists are members of a “transnational criminal network” – the Maduro “regime” – responsible for the hack, according to Neumann. And being part of this conspiracy makes them accountable for its crimes.


The US indicted Maduro and his allies on “narco-terrorism” charges in March and offered multi-million bounties for their capture.

Anonymous ID: 0a8245 July 7, 2020, 11:03 a.m. No.9885431   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5540 >>5618 >>5805 >>5987

‘Black Lives Matter’ Audit of Statues and Street Names, Announces UK Region


The leader of the Welsh government has announced an “urgent audit” of statues, street names, and building names “to address Wales’s connections with the slave trade”. The move was inspired by weeks of protest by the Marxist Black Lives Matter campaign which saw statues toppled and graffitied.


Heading the press release published on Monday “Black Lives Matter”, First Minister of Wales Mark Drakeford said that the review will “span the length and breadth of the country”.


The review will be led by Gaynor Legall, “a powerful advocate for ethnic minority women across Wales”, who will select her team from those with knowledge of the slave trade, the British empire, and the “history of black communities in Wales”.


Mr Drakeford, the leader of the Labour Party in Wales, said that the Black Lives Matter movement had forced the country to reconsider the names of buildings and monuments to historical figures who may have been connected to the slave trade, which the left-wing politician said were “not fully challenged and that we should challenge now”.


“We can reflect a Wales that rightfully celebrates our diverse communities,” Drakeford said of the Celtic nation on the west of Great Britain which is 95 per cent white.


He added that a group of “young people and communities” will be consulted about the audit before the regional parliament decides what to do about the monuments and street and building names.


Khan’s Red Guard: London Mayor Vows to Replace Monuments with Statues of LGBTQ+ and Minority Figures


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) June 9, 2020


Mr Drakesford appears to have followed in the footsteps of his national party colleague Sadiq Khan, Labour’s mayor of London, who announced a review of all the landmarks last month. Mr Khan has tasked the Orwellian-named Commission for Diversity in the Public Realm to review all landmarks, suggesting that he would replace them with monuments to sexual and ethnic minorities to “try to have a city that better reflects London and the values we have”.


The moves come after the importation of the far-left Black Lives Matter movement to the United Kingdom. In recent weeks, the statue to the wartime prime minister Winston Churchill who fought fascism was graffitied with the word “racist”. Rioters also violently removed the statue of Edward Colston in Bristol, who while a philanthropist in his own time also had ties to the slave trade.


Iconoclasts have also attacked statues of figures who had no possible historical connection to slavery or alleged racism. A moment to Queen Victoria was graffitied with BLM slogans, including “slave owner”, despite ascending to the throne in 1837, after the Slave Trade Act 1807 which prohibited slave trade in the British Empire and the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833.


Delingpole: Black Lives Matter – the Backlash Begins…


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) July 3, 2020


Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage was widely criticised by the establishment in early June when he branded Black Lives Matter UK “a new form of the Taliban” for its lust to destroy cultural vestiges of the past and called it a “dangerous, Marxist organisation, hell-bent on anarchy”.

Anonymous ID: 0a8245 July 7, 2020, 11:07 a.m. No.9885470   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Billionaire-backed members club Soho House received up to $22 MILLION in government bail-out loans after six different branches all asked for cash


Global private membership club Soho House, which is valued at $2 billion, received as much as $22 million in six different loans intended for small businesses as part of the Trump

Administration’s coronavirus bailout program, new records show.


Sanctioned under the Payment Protection Program (PPP), the loans went to six of the company’s US locations, situated in Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami and New York, for between $350,000 and $10 million each.

The loans came as part of a rush to inject billions into the economy as the coronavirus pandemic hit.


PPP funding was intended to help small and medium-sized businesses weather the economic storm posed by subsequent lockdown orders.


Following mounting pressure to disclose specifically which businesses received loans through PPP - established by President Trump's CARES Act - the Small Business Administration released records on Monday listing every recipient.


According to those records, Soho House & Co saved 1,996 jobs across all of its US locations thanks to the government funding.



Anonymous ID: 0a8245 July 7, 2020, 11:11 a.m. No.9885518   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Floyd 'Money' Mayweather's boxing promotion, David Beckham's MLS club, and Bubba Wallace's NASCAR team are the among sports properties to get federal PPP loans amid outbreak


Floyd 'Money' Mayweather and fellow boxer-turned-promoter Oscar De La Hoya, as well as David Beckham's MLS club, Inter Miami, Bubba Wallace's NASCAR team and rapper Ice Cube's Big 3 Basketball circuit are among the sports leaders, teams, and properties that received loans from a federal program designed to help small firms cope with the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic.


Data released Monday showed hundreds of thousands of Paycheck Protection Program recipients across a wide range of industries, and sports-related businesses were well represented. However, none of the four major North American sports leagues - the NFL, NBA, NHL and Major League Baseball - were among the businesses that applied, according to the data.


Because the federal government released loan amounts in ranges, it wasn't possible to tell exact amounts. The data showed businesses that applied for and received loans, though some may not ultimately have taken the funds.

Representatives from Mayweather Promotions and Golden Boy Promotions did not immediately return the Daily Mail's request for comment. A Richard Petty Motorsports spokesperson declined to specify the amount of the loan the team received.


Looking like this is the payoff to keep pushing corona, every sellout and co cashed in

Anonymous ID: 0a8245 July 7, 2020, 11:15 a.m. No.9885553   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5805 >>5987

Pentagon drafts new policy which would ban the display of Confederate flags at ALL Defense Department workplaces and public spaces after Marines issued similar order last month


A Pentagon policy proposal being circulated among officials would ban the display of the Confederate flag in US Department of Defense workplaces or public areas by service members and civilian personnel.


The policy, which has not yet been finalized or signed by Defense Secretary Mark Esper, would bring the other military services in line with the Marine Corps, which banned Confederate displays on its bases in early June.

The Associated Press obtained a copy of the draft.


It comes as President Donald Trump earlier in the day criticized NASCAR´s decision to ban the flag at its races and venues.

Anonymous ID: 0a8245 July 7, 2020, 11:19 a.m. No.9885601   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5675 >>5805 >>5987

Trump dirty dossier spy reveals how China 'targets British VIPs': Former MI6 spy Christopher Steele accuses Beijing of grooming UK establishment figures to be 'full-time agents' or 'useful idiots'


The diplomatic war over Huawei took an extraordinary twist last night after a controversial dossier accused China of trying to manipulate key Establishment figures in the UK.

Entitled China’s Elite Capture, the 86-page report details an alleged campaign by Beijing to persuade influential individuals to back Huawei and its strategic aims.

Among a string of incendiary claims, the dossier described the Chinese telecoms firm as ‘Beijing’s strategic asset’ and cited fears it could be used for state spying. It said politicians, academics and other ‘elites’ in the UK had been targeted by China in an attempt to secure their support for Huawei’s integration into Britain’s technology infrastructure.

China’s Elite Capture was compiled with the help of former MI6 spy Christopher Steele, among others. Mr Steele is known for his role in drawing up a ‘dirty dossier’ about Russia and Donald Trump.




UK Cabal looking for a scapegoat

Anonymous ID: 0a8245 July 7, 2020, 11:22 a.m. No.9885639   🗄️.is 🔗kun

When Considering Reparations for Blacks, Keep in Mind the Massive Scam that Reparations for Jews Always Was


The issue of reparations and other compensation has been much in the news of late, most particularly in relationship to possible payments to descendants of slaves in the United States to compensate them for their disadvantages brought about by what is claimed to be a persisting racist culture in the country. There is, of course, considerable resistance on the part of millions of non-black citizens who will have to foot the enormous bill even though they were not involved in slavery in any way, having arrived in the U.S. long after 1865, when involuntary servitude was abolished by the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution.


Reparations have been around for a long time, normally being exacted by the winners in a war against the losers, who automatically are blamed as the aggressors and therefore liable for the damages. Often the compensation comes in the form of territory, witness for example the German acquisition of Alsace-Lorraine from the French after the Franco-Prussian war followed by its return to France after the First World War. The Germans also were made to endure considerable cash and in-kind payments, primarily to France, after losing the First World War. The terms of the Treaty of Versailles were so onerous that they were subsequently blamed for perpetuating Franco-German hostility, leading inevitably to the Second World War.


Israel and Jewish groups were major beneficiaries of the reparations and restitution programs that were created as a result of World War Two. The Luxembourg Agreement signed in 1952 committed West Germany to pay Israel a sum of 3 billion Deutsche Marks over the next fourteen years, which was at the time an enormous sum. An additional 450 million marks were paid to the World Jewish Congress. The payments that were made to the State of Israel regarded the government as the de facto heir to war victims who had no surviving family or who could not otherwise be identified. The money was mostly invested in the Israeli infrastructure and was significant in aiding in the initial development of the economy of the new state, but there were also considerable barter arrangements whereby Israel purchasing agents obtained German manufactured goods and raw materials.


The reparations program was modified at various points to expand those eligible for benefits and continued to operate long after the fourteen-year term initially envisioned had expired. As of 2012, when the program was 60 years old, it was still fully operational and Germany had paid the Jewish state an estimated $89 billion.

Anonymous ID: 0a8245 July 7, 2020, 11:26 a.m. No.9885678   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Kids Don’t Know Much About History Thanks to Anti-American Indoctrination


We have repeatedly said, ladies and gentlemen, that these protests and riots are being led by college-aged kids who literally know nothing about American history. They have not been taught the truth. This is key to understand. They have not been taught the truth of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, the founding, and then made up their minds that they think these guys are reprobates and creeps.


They’ve not been taught the truth. They have been propagandized and indoctrinated from the get-go. They have been filled with hatred, pure and simple. But they think that they’ve been taught the truth, finally, that 200 years, 240 years of education in this country was a lie and that the period of time they’ve been in school was the truth.


But the fact of the matter is — and this is very important — they haven’t been taught the truth. They’ve not made up their minds independently of anything. They have been propagandized, and they have been indoctrinated. They’ve been taught to hate America. And it has to be pushed back against. It can’t be tolerated.


To push back against it is said to be divisive. What are we supposed to do? In the name of tolerance just sit here and accept the lies that these kids have been taught? Accept the lies as a sign of tolerance or unfairness or what have you? How is it divisive to stand up for the truth? So Trump stands up for the truth, stands up for the truth of the country, the greatness of the country, and he’s divisive?


Trump’s not tearing down statues. Trump is not defacing relics. Trump is not trying to damage or erase our history. He’s trying to restore it and maintain it. That’s divisive? How in the world does Black Lives Matter escape the characterization of divisive? How do any of these left-wing protest groups escape that they are the ones who are divisive?


It’s obvious some of our schools and universities have become some of the most anti-American places on earth. Indoctrination centers for anti-American propaganda. Campus Reform, great website, they went out and spoke with young American students ahead of the Fourth of July to see what they knew about the holiday.


And even though most of the students that Campus Reform interviewed said that America was a racist country, most of them couldn’t answer even the simplest questions about Independence Day. They didn’t have any idea. Fourth of July, had no idea what it was. College people. College educated people. Students were asked, for example, what the holiday commemorates. They were asked which year the country declared independence. They were asked which nation the United States declared independence from and which was fought for American independence, what war.


Many could not answer any of these questions. Some answered that America gained its independence in the twentieth century. Others said the corresponding war was the Civil War, World War I, World War II. They had no concept of – (interruption) How do you get into college and not know it? Because the SATs have been corrupted, because the entrance exams have been corrupted to coordinate with what people have been taught in high school.



Anonymous ID: 0a8245 July 7, 2020, 11:28 a.m. No.9885695   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5712 >>5733 >>5740 >>5818 >>5873 >>5956 >>6034 >>6091 >>6113

WH Conducting Leak Investigation Into Who Told NY Times About Russia-Taliban Bounty Intel – Narrowed Down to 10 Possible People


A few weeks ago The New York Times published a story claiming that Russia secretly offered bounties to Taliban forces to kill US troops, citing “officials briefed on the matter.”


President Trump last week dismissed the New York Times report on the GRU-Taliban allegations.


“Nobody briefed or told me, VP Pence, or Chief of Staff Mark Meadows about the so-called attacks on our troops in Afghanistan by Russians, as reported through an “anonymous source” by the Fake News New York Times.” Trump said in a pair of tweets Sunday morning.


The White House is conducting a leak investigation into who told reporters about the Russia-Taliban bounty suspicions and they have narrowed it down to fewer than 10 people.


“The Trump Administration has opened an internal investigation to try to uncover who leaked intelligence about Russians paying Taliban bounties to kill American soldiers. The administration maintains the story is overcooked and the leaks cherry-picked despite a steady stream of follow-ups from media outlets across the globe,” the White House said.


“The Administration has interviewed people with access to the intelligence, and believes it has narrowed down the universe of suspects to fewer than 10 people.”


Here’s what we know:


According to Intelligence sources who spoke to The Federalist, Adam Schiff’s top aides were briefed on the Russia-Taliban bounty intel back in February during a CODEL trip to Afghanistan.


Schiff was briefed on the rumors back in February, yet he withheld the information from Congress and held no hearings.


When asked by a reporter this week if he had any prior knowledge about the Russia bounty rumors, Schiff said, “I can’t comment on specifics.”


It looks like Schiff and his aides may be behind another round of damaging, selective leaks to the media in order to harass President Trump.


Stay tuned!

Anonymous ID: 0a8245 July 7, 2020, 11:29 a.m. No.9885707   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5714

The “Second Wave” Is Here As Expected, Bill Gates Says This One Will Get Our Attention


Bill Gates is truly sadistic. After saying we had “pandemic one” and will have “pandemic two,” he says the “next time” will get attention. Right after he says it, he and Melinda Gates smile in glee at the carnage they are about to unleash on the rest of us.


These two humans are insane sociopaths. Watch the interview below with Forbes and the Gates. They have no compassion or a fundamental understanding of what it means to be human. Now that states are locking down again, as we’ve been warning based on the media’s fear-mongering, the second wave has arrived.


Watch Melinda Gates laugh as she talks about ebola arrived in Lagos, a populous state like it’s hilarious that people are going to get sick and die. “You know, we’ll have to prepare for the next one,” Gates says. “That, you know, I’d say is, ah, will get attention this time.”


Gates also says he hopes the United States will “step up” when it comes to the coronavirus vaccine. It will be mandatory. And it will cause damages to an untold number of people. Melinda Gates even begins by admitting the World Health Organization isn’t perfect, but we should all submit to their rule over our bodies and allow them to control our minds and so whatever they want.


The one positive thing is the dislike to like ratio on this video on YouTube. Far more people are disgusted with these people than not. Perhaps there is hope for humanity after all. Hey Gates: We do not consent. We will not comply.


The Gates also talk about the vaccine with glee. They know exactly what kind of terror they plan to unleash on the rest of us.


Robert Kennedy Jr.: “Pharmaceutical Drugs Are Now The 3rd Leading Cause of DEATH” In


Bill Gates ADMITS The Problem With A Vaccine Is Convincing People To Get It


The big problem, as admitted by Gates himself, is convincing people to get vaccinated with all the information out there proving vaccines are neither safe nor are they effective. This is why we predict the vaccine will NOT be voluntary. It will be mandated by law, if not federally, state-wide.


No one is coming to save us. We need to save ourselves, by standing together and uniting and disobeying the orders to get vaccinated. It’s up to us how much tyranny we are willing to accept. If you give up body autonomy, you have submitted that someone else owns your body and what can be put in it. Wake up, stand up, and do not comply.


Yet “this time” if it’s designed to “get our attention,” we may need to be concerned about the powers that shouldn’t be concocting a real problem that is actually going to hurt or kill people. If the first scamdemic didn’t scare people, and the second one will get our attention, and we know the Gates are psychopaths, it bears hypothesizing that they might actually harm people to panic the masses enough to force their agenda through.

Anonymous ID: 0a8245 July 7, 2020, 11:31 a.m. No.9885722   🗄️.is 🔗kun



In America, vaccinations are monopolized by four companies: Pfizer, Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, and Sanofi. These companies are the biggest LOBBYISTS in Washington.


It’s not only the billions they POUR INTO lobbying that’s disgusting – it’s the media too!


Anderson Cooper is sponsored by Pfizer and NBC nightly news is backed by Merck, for example. The United States is one of only TWO COUNTRIES that allow TV ads about drugs!


There are 72 mandatory vaccinations, so these companies have ZERO COSTS when it comes to advertising vaccines since it’s forced upon parents. You cannot sue them, so there are no LEGAL COSTS, and since that’s the case, they don’t do SAFETY TESTING.


It’s the perfect business for them, so it’s no wonder Bill and Melinda Gates UNDERSTAND THE POTENTIAL!


This is madness and it has led to a massive rise in autism cases, as well as asthma, food allergies, and chronic diseases.


Vaccines are the most controversial topic in the world right now since these companies are attempting to BRAINWASH THE SHEEP to form a herd and get their shots, even though it has been proven TIME AND AGAIN that vaccines are BULLSHIT!


The World Health Organization, the CDC, the NIH, and other institutions are FOR-PROFIT when it comes to patenting. They have a vested interest in these vaccines, including that sneaky devil Dr. Anthony Fauci.


It is a mistake to believe anything that doctors tell you about vaccines; they’re the MESSENGERS of doom and have done no personal research on what they administer!


After doing my own research, these are facts that I uncovered. You may draw different conclusions, but know that there are hundreds of thousands of victims from these vaccines both alive and dead.


I tell you all this because the second any medical company announces that the vaccine is ready, you will be PRESSURED INTO it.


The media will present it as the only solution to this virus, which only impacts specific parts of the population.


Ultimately, you OWN YOUR BODY – it’s your property!


Don’t let them get you twisted on this matter.

Anonymous ID: 0a8245 July 7, 2020, 11:33 a.m. No.9885748   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5811 >>5987 >>6074

Ghislaine Maxwell will avoid first NYC court appearance on child sex trafficking charges after opting to appear remotely - as prosecutors push for a protective order to keep the identities of 'third parties' - including victims - secret


Ghislaine Maxwell will dodge her first public appearance in Manhattan’s Federal Court, after opting instead to appear remotely due to the COVID health crisis and ‘significant safety issues’ related to in-court proceedings,.

Jeffery Epstein’s former lover and alleged madam was arrested in Bradford, New Hampshire last Thursday when FBI agents staged a sensational swoop after months of covert surveillance.


The 58-year-old who once partied with billionaires and presidents has been charged on six counts including two counts of Conspiracy to Entice Minors to Travel to Engage in Illegal Sex Acts, one of Conspiracy to Transport Minors with Intent to Engage in Criminal Sexual Activity, one count of Transportation of a Minor with Intent to Engage in Criminal Sexual Activity and two counts of perjury.


Maxwell had been expected to appear at the United States District Court, Southern District of New York Friday afternoon.


But Judge Alison J Nathan issued an order late Monday stating that if she was willing to waive her right to appear in person the court would conduct the hearing remotely.

Anonymous ID: 0a8245 July 7, 2020, 11:40 a.m. No.9885802   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5987

Military's Top Appeals Court to Consider Whether Retirees Can Be Court-Martialed


The case of a retired sailor who was court-martialed after leaving the Navy has reached the military's highest appeals court, potentially setting the stage for a U.S. Supreme Court battle on the matter.


Stephen Begani, a retired Navy chief petty officer who was court-martialed after being picked up by federal agents about a month after leaving active duty, has taken his case to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces.


Begani filed a petition late last month for the top military appellate court to hear his case after a naval appeals court in January determined the retired sailor had been rightfully court-martialed. That was after the Navy-Marine Corps Court of Criminal Appeals issued a 2019 opinion that court-martialing military retirees is unconstitutional.


The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, known as CAAF, is the last stop before military appeals battles make it to the Supreme Court. Begani's attorney did not respond to a request for comment about the petition for the CAAF to consider the case.


The retired chief petty officer's request calls on the court to consider whether his court-martial was unfair since some retired troops are subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice after leaving the military and others aren't.


Sailors and Marines who leave active duty with more than 20 years in uniform but less than 30 who want to collect retiree pay move into the Fleet Reserve or Fleet Marine Corps Reserve. In that status, they essentially receive retainer pay and can be brought back onto active duty without consent in extreme circumstances, leaving them subject to the UCMJ.


It's not until retired Marines and sailors hit the 30-year mark of active or inactive service when they're moved to the Regular Retired List, under which they're no longer subject to the UCMJ.


Those same rules don't apply to retired reservists, though, which has left some considering Begani's case unconstitutional.


In 2019, Navy Lt. Daniel Rosinski, who represented Begani, argued that there's no difference between a retiree who leaves active duty versus one who leaves the Reserve. They're all out of uniform, aren't subject to military duties on a day-to-day basis, and can all be recalled to active duty, he said.


Unlike Begani, though, who was tried in a military courtroom, Reserve retirees are tried as civilians.


Begani's case dates back to 2017, when he was arrested by Naval Criminal Investigative Service agents after he'd left active duty and was transferred to the Fleet Reserve. He was working as a contractor at Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni in Japan when he showed up at a residence where he believed a 15-year-old girl with whom he'd been communicating lived.


Begani had actually been communicating with an undercover NCIS agent. He received a bad-conduct discharge and was sentenced to 18 months' confinement.