Anonymous ID: 6c8f18 July 7, 2020, 11:48 a.m. No.9885906   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5929



To Bret Weinstein: An invitation to the Great Awakening


What if the right President was already drafted?


I’m a neuroscientist who has experienced the same problems with blind hubris from the same $$$ compromised science and academia that Bret Weinstein and his brother, Eric, have.


I enjoyed Bret’s interview with Joe Rogan last month (#1494) and I agree with his conclusions 1) RE the threat that the Maoist SJW movement poses to the enlightenment values of America and science itself and 2) that COVID-19 was a “gain of function“ lab creation.


He also proposed a plan to save the Republic called #Unity2020, which was outlined in his article posted on Medium.


The Articles of Unity - #Unity2020 - Medium


However, I think what Bret and Joe Rogan fail to recognize is that there is sufficient evidence to conclude that both of the threats to science and the Republic were not accidental.


In addition, both events were anticipated (with covert counter offensives developed) by good people within the NSA and military intelligence as early as 2012.


Moreover, the counter offensive plan included drafting a Presidential candidate that would serve to implement these plans. Trump is not the “lone narcissist political genius” that he appears to be.  He is merely the visible tip of the corrective ice berg.


Someone needs tell Bret that his unity 2020 plan was already realized years ago and is well underway (the why and when). I agree with Q that the hardest to understand for everyone will be the “how.”


In any event, I’m optimistic about the future of both America and science.  


Rogan podcast #1494