Anonymous ID: e17d8c July 7, 2020, 10:29 a.m. No.9885105   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5120 >>5165

The baker drama is a bit from our enemy, they were exposed a few days ago and since then have feigned indignation to buy your trust, to censor your own outrage. They take the kernel of emotional truth you feel and wrap it up in their poison.

Here's what really happened.

Rundown of the boards response: The event was our hiveminds focus for breads >>9844667 (12599), >>9845457 (12600), and >>9846215 (12601). Only three notables (Out of 40) were included about the event talked about by the majority of anons in each these breads.

>>9845517 National Guard Makes Arrests, Prepares to Teargas Anarchists Blocking Road to Mount Rushmore

>>9845010 [LIVE] Indigenous Activists Assert Right to Unceded Land At Anti-Trump Protest

>>9845070 Protesters use vans with slashed tires to BLOCK Trump supporters from Mt. Rushmore event, National Guard on scene


Notice the first two have almost line-for-line similarities with spin that favors the mockingbird media.

This is how our enemy curtails our information flow.

They include what we already know, with spin favorable to their masters, and flood us with largely uncontextual news - to keep us unfocused.


Update: Flatbeds were used to remove the vans, after the line of National Guardsman secured a position past the them.


Update: Line has moved up. Contact made. Individuals are being arrested. Pepper spray was used.


Update: National Guard are removing their masks.


Update: ~3 flatbeds/tow trucks have arrived on the scene, to remove the vans.


Update: National Guard has their shields up, preparing to move up. Full Gas masks on.


Update: Looks like the National Guard have taken a pill of some kind at the same time. Masks are being secured.

Unmentioned from before, the 'protesters' are surrounded on both sides by the National Guard in riot gear.


Update: National Guard is moving back to a solid line, away from the vans. ~50ft?

Protesters walking away as well.

"Interesting tactic, they're using Sage now" rofl

People + Press are being asked to move even further back.

Tear Gas has possibly been suggested as an action against the protesters, initiating many of them to walk away.


Update: Those in line are being asked to get back into their cars and leave for the time being - press asked to stay behind a moving line of police cars entering the area. The protesters have been told they're allowed to move back to a sectioned off area, which still allows entry of cars into the area.


BREAKING NEWS: ANTIFA Insurgents use Useful Idiots to force multiply their attacks against our Freedom, blocking main road into Mount Rushmore.

Very inorganic, they swept quickly and blew out the tires of their 3 vans. They quickly put up a 'barrier'/banner they're holding up.

The insurgents are using 'native voices / concerns' as emotional shields to cloak their insidious actions.


This is warfare, and has nothing to do with the fog of war they deploy under: "Native concerns" They're throwing their own lives on the line to make anyone who acts against them look evil.

Provocateurs have arrived on both sides.

Tensions are raising drastically, by design.

It's fucking sick~


Inflammatory remarks are currently taking place (Yells from the protest line), the protesters are looking for forceful action to be taken against them.

They're provoking a 'moneyshot' of police force used against what will be spun as 'peaceful protesters'.


Expose them.

Children and Families are prevented from admiring their great leaders who have stabilized the Country during times of unrest - exactly what we need right now.

All for a moneyshot, using people as tools to an insidious end.

These people are sick.

Sunlight's the best disinfectant~



Anonymous ID: e17d8c July 7, 2020, 10:30 a.m. No.9885120   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5150


It's not some bakers or namefags (They're talking about me), it's their entire crew that have fought insidiously to keep their control over the kitchen, going so far as to whip up drama so even me bringing this up seems poisoned.


Now you know how they fight~

Anonymous ID: e17d8c July 7, 2020, 10:37 a.m. No.9885190   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5193


So lets get back on track, here's a timeline of Trumps involvement with the epstien investigation, as redpill material to disarm our enemies push to lump Trump into that evil ring of blackmail:

Trump Epstein Connections


2004: Trump knew Epstein was looking to bid on a property in Palm Beach so he bought it out from under him, made renovations, and sold it for almost 200% profit. This really pissed Epstein off. Epstein threatened to expose the deal because he though Trump was fronting for the real owners. Why would trump do this to Epstein? Probably because he heard rumors that Epstein was recruiting girls from country club.


2005: Trump helped usher the PBCSO investigation by exposing Epstein’s secrets.


2006: Two Epstein victims claim they were approached while employees for the spa at Mar-a-Lago. According to court documents President Trump banned Epstein form the club over this.


2009: Bradly Edwards the prosecutor in the 2009 Epstein case said he served a lot of subpoenas and Donald Trump was the only one who helped him and gave him as much time as he wanted. He gave no indication that he was involved in anything whatsoever but had good information.


2019: Then you have Virginia Giuffre (Epstein underage victim) deposition with the FBI. When you read the transcript you can clearly tell the FBI was framing questions to get dirt on Trump, no surprise. It didn’t work. Virginia had to repeatedly correct the agents and tell them that she never saw Donald so much as flirt with any of the girls or even see Epstein and Trump together.


2020: On June 20th Trump fired Geoffrey Berman the US attorney for the Southern District of New York. On July 2nd Jeffry Epstein’s Confidante Ghislaine Maxwell arrested on sex abuse charges and transferred to New York federal prison.

Anonymous ID: e17d8c July 7, 2020, 10:38 a.m. No.9885193   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5197


Ghislaine Maxwell reportedly ready to name names




"I don't know of any client I have that ISN'T willing to testify against her"

"They just won't give up"

"I've never seen a stronger voice [These survivors have]"

Anonymous ID: e17d8c July 7, 2020, 10:38 a.m. No.9885197   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5207


Remember that Maxwell's family has connections to EVERYTHING

>Maxwell was MI6.

>MI6, CIA, MOS, BND are likely ALL involved with the "epstein" intel operation not just MOS.

>This will likely splinter those agencies.


>Lekarev continues: “From the end of the 1980s, with Maxwell’s help, operations to launder CPSU money abroad began. During this period Maxwell was in contact with [KGB] Colonel Vladimir Golovin from ideological counterintelligence [Fifth Chief Directorate]. Soon he died unexpectedly. Colonel Viktor Bredikhin, a former officer of the London Residency from foreign counterintelligence, also worked with Maxwell. And, working in the KGB, he also suddenly died. Another one of Maxwell’s operational contacts was Colonel Vadim Biriukov, who regularly traveled to European countries for meetings with foreign agents. Soon after Maxwell’s death, Biriukov was killed under unclear circumstances in a Moscow parking garage by unknown individuals.”


Academics repeatedly warned the FBI that Maxwell may be working for the Soviet Union in the 1950s and 1960s

FBI carried out an extensive investigation but ruled there was no evidence he was a spy

His publishing empire printed scientific research papers in Russian behind the Iron Curtain

Fears his Pergamon publishing empire was subsidised by the Soviets


Maxwell, who was born in Czechoslovakia, was building up his Pergamon Press publishing empire in the US in the late 1950s and 1960s when he was covertly investigated.


Soviet links: Robert Maxwell, right, with Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev in the Kremlin. The media mogul faced repeated questions about whether he was engaged in espionage


Soviet links: Newly-published document reveals Maxwell's attempts to get USSR cooperation for his publishing ventures


An internal FBI note added that there was no evidence of espionage activity 'on the part of Robert Maxwell in the United States; however… (redacted).'


The FBI wrote back to Maguire saying: 'You may desire to discreetly look into the activities of one Ian Robert Maxwell.'


In 1958, Senator Prescott Bush, father and grandfather of the two future US presidents, forwarded a letter from Yale University which raised further questions about Maxwell.


It said there were concerns he 'may be engaged in a large scale effort to transmit scientific information to the Russians.'


And in 1962 an agent raised the question that Maxwell's publications may be subsidised by the Soviets because they were a source of technical and scientific knowledge from around the world.


There were also suspicions because Maxwell was allowed to enter the Soviet Union six times a year while most people struggle to get any access.


Maxwell, who later became a Labour MP in Britain and lived an extravagant lifestyle, made his millions from the publishing empire he set up after leaving the Army.


He died in 1991 after 'falling' off his private yacht off the Canary Islands after plundering his publishing group's pension fund.


>Look at the Marxist Milliband brothers leading Labour at the moment. Is this any surprise?!? Communism killed 150 million last century!

>He probably was, after all most of the then Labour Party were either working for or indirectly for Marxist and Communist organisations. Indeed if anyone cares to check, a lot of todays Labour gang have the same affiliations or have discreetly covered them up. Also, most of the spies, either then or today, are products of Oxbride Universities.

Anonymous ID: e17d8c July 7, 2020, 10:39 a.m. No.9885207   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5215


Here are counterpoints to their recent push to hype back up the fear of their released bioweapon:


The crew here are doing their best to downplay Chinas involvement, and the seriousness, that their intentional release of a BioWeapon was used to target foreign political landscapes - specifically America and Trump's re-election.


China Virus has already lost half its potency.

The "Second wave" will be a dud, because the virus is quickly loosing its ability to infect humans.

Note: The virus is unnatural to begin with, which means mutation/deletions cannot occur to progress the virus. It's returning to its normal functions, WHICH DOESN'T INCLUDE THE ABILITY TO INFECT HUMANS.

Even if it tried to develop airborne capabilities IT IS QUICKLY LOOSING THE ABILITIES TO INFECT HUMANS IN THE FIRST PLACE.



China Hogwart Virus = WuFlu 2.0


What's their world wide death toll at now?

21+ Million from within China alone, and that was at least a month ago.


Contact tracers are ordered to NOT ask about protest attendance.

Personal ads about infecting Trump Rallies are a thing.

See what direction we're headed?


'Luc Montagnier HIV Nobel Prize HIV Virologist Says CV "Bio-engineered" in Lab - Contains Strings Of Inserted HIV

"This virus was manipulated meticulously, it's not natural."


Interesting Points:

-Mutation-Deletions are bringing the virus back to its unmodified state - the HIV insertion is specifically degrading faster than the rest.

-The virus is quickly loosing its ability to infect humans.

-Verifiable proof this was engineered "For Gain-of-function" advances, specifically contains a genetic sequence from HIV.

-China has enormous pressure on any studies or media related to the origins of the virus.

-Source as the Wuhan BioLab confirmed.

-Intentional or not, this engineered virus being released constitutes as a launched Bio Weapon.

-Electromagnetic means of manipulation can be used to neutralize the virus. Which also means they can be used to amplify it.

-Who controls the modulation of the antennas determines the effect


Host: "If we want to reassure ourselves, since you have continued to work on this virus, that virus today it has lost, you say, all its virulence and you imagine that it will no longer be specifically dangerous in the next few weeks?"


Luc: "Yes, what is interesting, if you will, is that my mathematical colleague Perez thinks there's some kind of harmonization of the sequences, of the genetic information, which is carried as well in our own chromosomes as by the virus. So nature doesn't accept anything. That is, we can do anything to nature but if you're making an artificial construct, it is unlikely to survive. That is to say that nature loves the harmonious things and what is foreign, such as another virus coming from another virus is not well tolerated. So, what is happening as time goes by, the epidemic is spreading, notably in the United States where there is the largest number of cases, there is an evolution through mutations, right. The sequences will mutate. Mutate means one nucleotide changed for an other, the genetic code is changing. But it also means deletions that are made: It means that there are whole chunks of the genome, including… what is extraordinary is that, precisely, the region that carries the HIV sequences are mutating much faster than the others. So, it itself disappears by deletions. So, we have patients on whom we have isolated the virus and sequenced the virus, in the western part of the United States, in Seattle, and this sequence is almost demolished and no longer works."


Host: "So the HIV is gone?"


Luc: "You'd think if the new pathogenicity if you will, of the corona is related to the introduction of these sequences, that it is going to disappear. It's a bit of hope."


>"It was like an aggressive tiger in March and April but now it's like a wild cat," Bassetti said. "Even elderly patients, aged 80 or 90, are now sitting up in bed and they are breathing without help. The same patients would have died in two or three days before."


>Evidence continues to mount that the new infections throughout much of the country are extremely mild, with the exception of some serious cases coming over the border from Mexico.

Anonymous ID: e17d8c July 7, 2020, 10:40 a.m. No.9885215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5219


Remember how important you are:

Pfease excuse thls interruuption of your manipsulated entraihment.

Step back, breath, Center your Senses.


(You)r belief in America, is Chinas greatest fear. They attack it relentlessly.

Know well who's behind the demoralization.

We are what they craft their attacks against~


The Why:


Q is a backchannel between Americas Military Intellegence and You, the People they swore to protect.

It is critical we are given a contrasting reference to the onslaught of fake news and online propaganda, as a deeply entrenched network of blackmail and control is brought to Light.


Q is a conversation with us that tiptoes around our National Security Laws enough to lead us into narrative shattering insights.

Read that again.

They have a lot to tell us

They're our link to Americas command post during this Silent War.

A War that will breach the minds of those around you. Start talking, be humble you already know what they will soon, be proud to strengthen your Republic with more Informed Citizens.

Let the naysayers be damned by their own [unwillingly manipulated] ignorance.

Your seeds of Truth will outlast the weeds of Black Hatted Social Engineers; The mockingbird machine. So 'Learn to play the game'~


Trusting The Plan is a direct assertion that the job of attacking the deep seated infiltrators and traitors belongs to those who swore an oath to do so.

The military, your Congressional / Senate appointees, the Judiciary and the like.

You, the average working citizen, appointed them into power to carry out your Will within the realm of influence each were given.

To assume that the main attacks against these traitors belongs to the average citizen is founded on the corrupt presumption that those in power, that you elected, are unable to do so.

It's an admittance that those you trusted, should not be.

It's a Lie.

It's a belief the traitors themselves want you to have.

You have a critical job to do, as an informed member of your Republic: Awaken those around you.

Create more informed members of your own republic so you can make more informed choices, and propose more informed actions to those who are elected to carry out your Awakened Will.


Trust the plan. We are in this together, and we may excel in each our own areas of expertise.


Read what your Military needs you to know.

Read what Trump wants you to know.

Q is who has read what the world will soon know.

The Rod and the Ring will Strike~

God wins, Amen.

Anonymous ID: e17d8c July 7, 2020, 10:40 a.m. No.9885219   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5233


Remember how corrupt Biden is:

So they want to hide this away? ELIM it at all costs?

Thread creator in on it? What a web of traitors~



Juicy info about BIDEN negative news re: UKRAINE-CHINA family bribes and corruption

Detailed timeline


Three part exclusive with Giuliani, and the evidence he uncovered


NEW: Ukrainian investigations ]UNLEASHED[

>A translated Ukrainian press conference from yesterday not only implicates Biden, but also George Soros, in a plot to snatch 1.5 billion from Ukrainian tax payers for a…get this…"corruption tax", through overstated gas tariffs from Naftogaz.

Full Video:


>Fired NY prosecutor was given Biden-Ukraine allegations in 2018 but didn’t follow up, emails show


Juicy info about BIDEN negative news re: SEXUAL ASSAULT CLAIM re: Tara Reade [preserve #MeToo future [R] attack]

>New Evidence Appears to Corroborate Tara Reade’s Sexual Assault Claim Against Joe Biden (VIDEO)


>HERE is the video from August 11,1993's 'Larry King Live' described by @TheIntercept

(and Tara Reade) as allegedly featuring her mother calling in and alluding to Reade's sexual assault claims against @JoeBiden

Anonymous ID: e17d8c July 7, 2020, 10:41 a.m. No.9885233   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5249 >>5391 >>6004


Remember to use their own actions against them:

Democratic Governors killing elderly parents to fluff China Virus numbers to scare the public into submission

(Thread creator deliberately omitting these templates, reposting to never give up the attack against our enemy despite the actions of their assets)


🚨 Alarming Data 🚨

→ 40% of COVID deaths have come from nursing homes

→ 20,000 deaths were avoidable

Numbers don't lie. Cuomo does.

He violated protocol & forced COVID patients into nursing homes—now he's trying to cover up the horrific outcome.

He must be held accountable.


How is it possible select [D] governors thought it was 'safe' to push COVID-19 positive elderly patients back into nursing homes [hot zones]?

"Each year, 90 percent of deaths worldwide related to influenza-A virus (IAV) strike men and women aged 65 and older."



Someone can be accused of third-degree murder if they unintentionally cause someone else's death while committing a dangerous act.



Who benefits the most?

Why only [D] governors?


How do you reasonably explain what occurred?


>“They are going to set it up rapidly and we’re then going to go to the next site, the next site, the next site to meet our goal,” de Blasio said, detailing the 670-bed plus site at the Brooklyn Cruise Terminal in Red Hook. He also announced another overflow facility at the Billie Jean King Tennis Center in Flushing. That 350-bed facility only saw 79 patients, according to THE CITY. However, the Red Hook facility never saw a single patient, and both locations ended up costing over $40 million combined.

>Similarly, the USNS Comfort, which was originally slated to take pressure off New York hospitals by taking non-coronavirus patients, departed after seeing just 182 patients over its month-long stay. Even though ship agreed to designate 500 of its 1,000 beds for coronavirus patients, it never came close to reaching capacity.

Anonymous ID: e17d8c July 7, 2020, 10:43 a.m. No.9885249   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5259


Only when evil is forced into the light can we defeat it.

The most malicious elements have been disposed.

The need for others to see for themselves, the horrors of the Democratic 'party', is awakening far more for Trumps 2020.

We already know.

Evil is being exposed for others to see~

Anonymous ID: e17d8c July 7, 2020, 10:44 a.m. No.9885259   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5266


Remember how they fight:

Intimidation is Power. Power used against us. Social shame is the unwritten gag order


How to Hold a Cultural Revolution:

Step 1. Erase history

Step 2. Lie about history

Step 3. Lie becomes truth


This is Chinese warfare.


>The term "Four Old" first appeared on June 1, 1966, in Chen Boda's People's Daily editorial, "Sweep Away All Monsters and Demons", where the Old Things were described as anti-proletarian, "fostered by the exploiting classes, [and to] have poisoned the minds of the people for thousands of years"


>Calls to destroy the "Four Olds" usually did not appear in isolation, but were contrasted with the hope of building the "Four News" (new customs, new culture, new habits, new ideas).The idea that Chinese culture was responsible for China's economic backwardness and needed to be reformed


Sound familiar?

"New Normal"

"Systemic x, y, z."



This is Chinese warfare.


>A struggle session was a form of public humiliation and torture that was used by the Communist Party of China (CPC) at various times in the Mao era, particularly years immediately before and after the establishment of the People’s Republic of China and during the Cultural Revolution. The aim of a struggle session was to shape public opinion and humiliate, persecute, or execute political rivals and those deemed class enemies.


>In general, the victim of a struggle session was forced to admit various crimes before a crowd of people who would verbally and physically abuse the victim until he or she confessed. Struggle sessions were often held at the workplace of the accused, but they were sometimes conducted in sports stadiums where large crowds would gather if the target was well-known.


Sound familiar?

"Take a knee"

"Wear the mask"

"Name one thing"

"Confess your privilege"


This is Chinese warfare.


>As antifa militants have taken over six blocks of Seattle’s Capitol Hill district, calling it the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” or the “People’s Republic of Capitol Hill”


Sound familiar?

"People's Republic of China"


WAR Update

China is using #CHAZ / #PRCH as a symbolic foothold on American soil.

They had planned on fueling these zones and more like them with the symbolism of a White House on Fire, but that ploy was stopped hard by the FBI on June 6th.

For now, they're making due.

We, however, may flip their weakened script.

Focus on sanitary situations in #CHAZ / #PRCH. Just as China used the media to create visceral fear with 'toilet paper shortages' so too will there be fear of sanitation without major outside help.

Are they getting help?

Are they supplied?

How quickly will they run out?


Focus too on how they'll inevitably eat at each other when the manipulated spell of love has faded (It already started). Point out power vacuums creating war lords, shine Light on the damage to local businesses and families.


Highlight their fervent rejection of outside ideas, how fascist the anti-fascists really are.


Sunlght's the best disinfectant~


China has infiltrated America.

Imagine what goals they have as a deployed force on our boards.

How critical is the 'baking' position?

They use manipulated love to disarm our instincts - 'TYB' organic?

Information control is people control~


How to stop a cultural takeover: Q

Anonymous ID: e17d8c July 7, 2020, 10:45 a.m. No.9885266   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5271


Take care of yourself:


Our enemy is ramping up their manipulation on our board and they would like nothing better than to fracture your mind+soul with their flood of MKUltra subliminals and unconscious word associations. To keep you in the same state they keep abused children.

…So they can have the say. So their words carry more weight than yours. So they can organize you how they want. So their solutions outmatch ours…

They're sick.

Fucking sick.

They, like the lamestream media, will lie till their dying breath. They want you dead inside.

They want you licking shit so you'll accept programmability. Their programs of suicide.


See through it. See it as an attack against Our Future. The future they won't live to see~

Be aware the negative thoughts that make you feel empty are the attacks of others.

Once aware, you'll see how loved you are by God, for it's that Love the attackers want to ruin.


I've done my best to illuminate the ways in which our enemies invoke a sense of fear and keep one stuck in an abused and quiet mindset, afraid of being confident that you're fighting to save the world from their wretched control.

Afraid of reaching out to others and so abused that ones personalities are fracturing.


You've had nightmares they have seeded.

I know because I've had countless myself, and though I may be one focal point for their anger, their objective is each of (You).

You who 'dare' stand against their [wretched] will;

You who want to make this world a better place;

You who want our children to grow up in a beautiful world we can't yet fully imagine.


I write about their attacks, and how I think they're carried out, with the belief that once they are made conscious and understood you become immunized to the brunt of it.

I want you to understand that there are ways you can fight against them.

There are options to release the fear they put you in. There are incalculable reasons to feel hopeful.

More of us know each day.

>The pain of the One leads to the benefit of the many


You are posting on the most influential board in the world right now.

God is with you in every breath you take.

God is with you in every breath you take.

God is with you in every breath you take.

You are posting on the most influential board in the world right now.


You need to remember you're worth Americas Military putting their lives on the line and dying to fight for you. For your children. For the future of our world.


So shake off their trauma, and I don't say shake lightly, it's how trauma is released from the body. Shake it off.

Pray. Banish. Pray. Especially before bed.

Release yourself from their control.

Hear the clean breeze of Raphael

Feel the refreshing waters of Gabriel

Smell the ageless campfire of Michael

Sense the solid earth of Uriel

Know well these fierce Heavenly forces are an invitation away

Exchange doubt with Faith; Aimless Anger with Focused Resolve.

>Tempt not the righteous man to draw his sword.

Pray God infuse us with resilience.

Pray God wash us clean.

Pray God shine Hope unto those strangled by darkness.

Pray before sleep.


>We are all bound by a feeling deep inside.


Our war is real. Here and now.

You are saving the world.

They are the poisoned stream of consciousness.

They are the projections they cast.

We are what they craft their attacks against~

Fight. For God and Country.Fight.


Anonymous ID: e17d8c July 7, 2020, 10:46 a.m. No.9885271   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Q's providing us Top Cover

Remember, Patriots.


Don’t cave to them.

You are not alone.

You can make a profound difference.



When you are in Combat; far from the target; there is rarely a shot fired against you.

When you are (Air Force term ) “on the Run In, to the OA” (Objective Area) that is when you know you are in the right area… SAM shots, AAA gunfire…everything the Adversary has, comes at you. Not solely to destroy, but often, simply attempt to distract you off target.

Distraction can lead to mission failure, as much as Destruction.

But, you are a warrior, you have trained your whole life for this moment, and you are on the Run In.

You are on the Run In, and you have Top Cover. People, Prayers, Angels, the Earth itself is a witness to your Courage. You will not die 1000 deaths; you will taste of death but once. The Top Cover overhead are like F15 Strike Eagles. You can’t see them, can’t hear them at 45,000ft; but the Eagles are there, and they will “Cry ‘Havok’ and loose the Dogs of War;” not now, but at the right time. To defeat the adversary when their tools, at their disposal, are the most effective. Not on your desires, not on your timing; but on moment when they know their weapons are the most effective; to protect you. ‘For the weapons of our warfare are divinely powered, for the destruction of fortresses.’

The spines of thousands are being strengthened, by hearing of your fight.

You are NOT ALONE.


Where We Go 1 We Go All~

Anonymous ID: e17d8c July 7, 2020, 11:54 a.m. No.9885985   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trusting The Plan is a direct assertion that the job of attacking the deep seated infiltrators and traitors belongs to those who swore an oath to do so.

The military, your Congressional / Senate appointees, the Judiciary and the like.

You, the average working citizen, appointed them into power to carry out your Will within the realm of influence each were given.

To assume that the main attacks against these traitors belongs to the average citizen is founded on the corrupt presumption that those in power, that you elected, are unable to do so.

It's an admittance that those you trusted, should not be.

It's a Lie.

It's a belief the traitors themselves want you to have.

You have a critical job to do, as an informed member of your Republic: Awaken those around you.

Create more informed members of your own republic so you can make more informed choices, and propose more informed actions to those who are elected to carry out your Awakened Will.


Trust the plan. We are in this together, and we may excel in each our own areas of expertise.

Anonymous ID: e17d8c July 7, 2020, 11:59 a.m. No.9886026   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"GRaNDMaSTeR" JaY Exposed: He has lied his whole life, about his whole life



Here he is introducing himself


Here he is describing what events he likes

1:17:17 [Context: What jobs are you doing right now?]

"Most people see me coming out of sweet 16 parties"

>A man in his 40s posting a video on Facebook where he raps "The only reason I rhyme is to impress girls".


Here are his early photos


Here's a Gold mine of people pointing out his lies:


Here's his actual music?


I…I honestly can't think of a better way to expose this fool than what has been exposed already.


GRaNDMaSTeR JaY in action


I'll end on this note:

"A lie can go around the world three times before the truth can get its shoes on."~

Grandmaster Beamz DJ Fail (How he faked his life, summarized)

The Spirit of Fear?? (His own message for NFAC)


Oh he knows how to lie.

Oh he knows how to invoke fear.

@YourAnonCentral Proudly supports him.


#NFAC Nutty Fucker Amplifying Chaos

He's a certified psychopath given command to an army.

Don't let those under him be hoodwinked, he's going to get them killed. He doesn't give two fucks about their families, their children.

It's likely he has been blackmailed into producing a moneyshot of carnage.

Anonymous ID: e17d8c July 7, 2020, 12:04 p.m. No.9886076   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Crew pushing Plan Z desperate AF right now, unable to trust the plan lol

Crew pushing Plan Z desperate AF right now, unable to trust the plan lol

Crew pushing Plan Z desperate AF right now, unable to trust the plan lol

Crew pushing Plan Z desperate AF right now, unable to trust the plan lol

Crew pushing Plan Z desperate AF right now, unable to trust the plan lol