Anonymous ID: 0842b8 July 7, 2020, 12:50 p.m. No.9886494   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6536


>>9886061 d'oh

notables, not endorsements

>>9886155 a reminder: Nancy Pelosi's weekend visit to Afghanistan included Adam Schiff and a Republican you never heard of-dailykos from oct 2019

>>9886167, >>9886208, >>9886262 Is this why Geoffrey Berman got sacked?

>>9886180, >>9886198, >>9886191 FLOTUS Live National Dialogue on Safely Reopening America's Schools

>>9886172 Key US Ally Indicted for Organ Trade Murder

>>9886199 Illegal Immigrant Child Rapist Released from Jail by Maryland Sanctuary County Remains at july 6

>>9886218 From ‘Made in China’ to ‘Owned by China’: 20 deals show how China is gobbling up U.S.

>>9886244 HIV patient in Brazil goes into long-term REMISSION and could be the first person to be cured of the virus using pharmaceutical drugs alone (but also supplemented by antiretrovirals and B3)

>>9886273 ‘We’re collapsing’: Netanyahu roasted by ailing businesspeople in Zoom call-timesofisrael

>>9886343 Cuomo Investigates Himself, Finds He's Not at Fault for Deadly COVID-19 Nursing Home

>>9886365, >>9886404 Catherine Herridge @CBS_Herridge: "administration is investigating the source of leaked intelligence about alleged Russian bounties paid to the Taliban" and anon submission

>>9886388 Appeals Court Blocks Trump Rule on Asylum Claims From Central America-pjmedia

>>9886416 Radical Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar Calls For “Dismantling” of US “Economy and Political Systems”-gatewaypundit

>>9886427 FLOTUS confidant plans tell-all book-thehill via soc media



good to hear that is somewhat closed up.

damn parasites they are

here ya go. take it as you are ready

Anonymous ID: 0842b8 July 7, 2020, 12:56 p.m. No.9886564   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The twats from Tiegen and Madonna may be of interest at this point.

(I just couldn't add the 60 year old has beens saggy bewbs on own)