Anonymous ID: 62dc5b July 7, 2020, 1:34 p.m. No.9887062   🗄️.is 🔗kun

My servants post false anti-semitic quotes from Alexandr Solzhenitsyn as a means to trick newfags into trigger-attacking anyone who truthfully cites Solzhenitsyn's experience imprisoned in the Bolshevik/Communist Gulags in the former Soviet Union.

Notice the memes never cite book name or page #.

Who really benefits?

Those who wish to introduce Gulags in America.

Those who would threaten me, those who would oppose this, if they dare cite Solzhenitsyn about the truth of what happened in the USSR, the goal of my servant's memes is to trigger newfags into attacking the threat for me, to attack the threat as "just another alt-right troll citing an anti-semite author".

Do you see?

My servant's memes are a hidden attack on Solzhenitsyn, and an attack on anyone who dares cite his biographical works.

Do you see?

My servants attack what threatens them.

Here is proof that Solzhenitsyn never wrote "For a Jew, nothing is more insulting than the truth" in the book "Two Hundred Years Together" that my servants have accused him of having written that passage.

Here is also proof that Solzhenitsyn was sympathetic to Jews. I have directed my servants to attack Solzhenitsyn because he dared break the censorship and dared successfully educated the world about the truth of what occurred in the USSR.

He must be dismissed in a way palatable to the most people, to a people born into a world watching Pedowood movies that distort history, easiest smear is 'aNti-SeMitE' and 'NaZi'.

My servants must cast Solzhenitsyn as an 'anti-semite' so that none of you actually take the time to read what he wrote.

My servants' biggest fear is an informed person.

This is why my servants attack this board with disinfo.

It's all to trick you.

Is it working?