Anonymous ID: 7a0ae1 July 7, 2020, 12:16 p.m. No.9886172   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6187 >>6494 >>6832 >>6997

Key US Ally Indicted for Organ Trade Murder Scheme

by Nicolas J. S. Davies


#Kosovo #Thaci


2:50 PM · Jul 7, 2020·Twitter Web App


Key US Ally Indicted for Organ Trade Murder Scheme

by Nicolas J. S. Davies Posted onJuly 07, 2020

When President Clinton dropped 23,000 bombs on what was left of Yugoslavia in 1999 and NATO invaded and occupied the Yugoslav province of Kosovo, U.S. officials presented the war to the American public as a "humanitarian intervention" to protect Kosovo’s majority ethnic Albanian population from genocide at the hands of Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic. That narrative has been unraveling piece by piece ever since.


In 2008 an international prosecutor, Carla Del Ponte, accused U.S.-backed Prime Minister Hashim Thaci of Kosovo of using the US bombing campaign as cover to murder hundreds of people to sell their internal organs on the international transplant market. Del Ponte’s charges seemed almost too ghoulish to be true. But on June 24th, Thaci, now President of Kosovo, and nine other former leaders of the CIA-backed Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA,) were finally indicted for these 20-year-old crimes by a special war crimes court at The Hague.


From 1996 on, the CIA and other Western intelligence agencies covertly worked with the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) to instigate and fuel violence and chaos in Kosovo. The CIA spurned mainstream Kosovar nationalist leaders in favor of gangsters and heroin smugglers like Thaci and his cronies, recruiting them as terrorists and death squads to assassinate Yugoslav police and anyone who opposed them, ethnic Serbs and Albanians alike.


As it has done in country after country since the 1950s, the CIA unleashed a dirty civil war that Western politicians and media dutifully blamed on Yugoslav authorities. But by early 1998, even US envoy Robert Gelbard called the KLA a “terrorist group” and the UN Security Council condemned “acts of terrorism” by the KLA and “all external support for terrorist activity in Kosovo, including finance, arms and training.” Once the war was over and Kosovo was successfully occupied by US and NATO forces, CIA sources openly touted the agency’s role in manufacturing the civil war to set the stage for NATO intervention…

Anonymous ID: 7a0ae1 July 7, 2020, 12:19 p.m. No.9886187   🗄️.is 🔗kun



US Soldier Dies in Kosovo

NATO forces have maintained a presence in Kosovo since 1999 invasion and bombing campaign

Dave DeCamp Posted onJuly 6, 2020CategoriesNews

The Department of Defense announced on Monday that a 20-year-old soldier died in Kosovo in a “non-combat related incident.” Alexander Blake Klass of Willamina, Oregon died on Saturday at Camp Novo Selo, Kosovo. The incident is still under investigation, according to the Pentagon.


About 600 US troops are stationed in Kosovo as part of a NATO mission called Kosovo Force or KFOR, which consists of some 3,500 soldiers. The mission started in 1999 when the US and NATO intervened to lead a 78-day bombing campaign against the Serbian in an attempt to oust former Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic.


The KFOR force initially consisted of 50,000 troops and has dwindled substantially as Kosovo has built up its own military. In 2008, Kosovo’s government declared independence from Serbia, and tensions flared between the two states, as Serbia still considers Kosovo to be its territory.


A Serbia-Kosovo summit was planned to take place at the White House in June, but it was postponed after an international prosecutor in the Hague indicted Kosovo’s President Hashim Thaci for war crimes he is accused of committing during the 1998-99 war against Serbia. Thaci stands accused of “nearly 100 murders,” torture, and disappearances.


Thaci was the leader of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) during the war, a group that has been accused of organ trafficking. The US and NATO supported the KLA during its 1999 bombing campaign. In that air campaign, 23,000 bombs fell on the Balkans, and thousands of civilians were killed. Targets hit included hospitals, factories, schools, and even the Chinese embassy in Belgrade.